Sunday, July 21, 2013

Two Things I Don't Want to Forget

Abby can microwave things at her school for lunch.  So one time she spent the night here, I didn't have any lunch meat and asked her if she wanted to bring a Hot Pocket.  Thus, a tradition was born.  That is what she requests now each time she is here (I guess it is a nice change, plus she says it makes everyone jealous).  Specifically, a Mexican Chicken Lean Pocket.  DELICIOUS. I am pretty sure that the only thing that makes it "lean" is that it MAY have .000002 of an ouce of cheese less than a real Hot Pocket. Because I don't want it to be too gross, I get the rest of her lunch together the night before-drink, chips, dessert (always!)-and leave the hot pocket in the freezer for her to take out the next morning as she is leaving.  To make sure she doesn't forget, I attach this note to the lunch sack.  And, probably due to being a lazy teenager and NOT for sentimental reasons, she never threw it away, just left it lying on the kitchen counter.  The clip is magnetic, so I just kept reusing it over and over and over.  I noticed it hanging on the side of the fridge today and thought, "I only have one more year to use it!"  So weird that she is a SENIOR.

Jacob is almost 9 (one month shy), and he still sleeps with his teddy bear from time to time.  Just melt my heart.  It isn't every night, and I don't know what makes him do it on the nights he does, but I love it.  His bear actually came from Jon's mom, and is called "Barnabas" according to the tag.  Mom came up with the nickname "Bobby,"  which is totally appropriate since ONE of Jacob's nicknames is "Bob."  Jacob never wanted a Build-a-Bear stuffed animal, even though we went in HUNDREDS of times for Morgan (seriously, the girl had a problem), but he would occasionally allow Grammy to buy clothes for Bobby.  Of course they are all super hero costumes (Batman, Spiderman) or Star Wars character costumes (Obi Wan, Darth Vadar).  The clothes have since gone on to new homes, but Bobby has stayed (even though he is made to "hide out" in my room occasionally when friends are over).

The picture is blurry because my phone was dying, but I wanted to take advantage of the moment while I could :)


  1. Bobby. Sigh.

    Love the randomness that is the Hot Pocket story.

    1. melissa glover don't you dare make fun of my hot pocket story. you will be there one day.
