Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas #2 Plus Misc

These first 3 are not really Christmas pics, but we did the end-of-the-season football party in December, so they got mixed in :)

These are the gifts for the coaches.  All the parents chipped in. I used the money to make them "desktop plaques" from Shutterfly, using pics from the season, and of course one from the Superbowl win.  Then we still had enough money left over to give each coach some cash. Oh and Sonic gift cards and coupons. Of course :)

 With his coach.

 Me giving the "Thank you coaches" speech. Blah.

I sent their Superbowl pic into the Commercial Appeal.  Jacob was extremely excited about it.  Had no idea that I sent it in...he thought that the newspaper just featured them because it was so awesome :)

 At the Enchanted Forest.  We haven't ever taken Jacob and Morgan because I remember taking Abby, Kyler and Noah when they were little and it was horrible.  It was so different from how it used to be when I was little.  But this year I had seen several people posting pics on FB, so I decided to give it a whirl.  It's in a different place now, and very similar to how it was when I was little. So basically, it was awesome. 
Here they are actually walking through the forest.  Kids are given a Scavenger Hunt card, and they go through it looking for all the items. Fun.

They had an IMAX Christmas movie playing so we decided to go to it.
 It was not good. The basic story line was good, but the animation was horrible.  They tried to build it up by giving a speech about it being "old school," and even playing some behind-the-scenes-making-of-the-movie stuff to make it seem more exciting.  But it just wasn't.  Michael was not pleased that I had talked him into it...

There were tons of trees decorated in different themes.  Michael and Morgan liked the Dr. Seuss one the best.

Jacob and I liked the Charlie Brown one the best (Michael cut off the top of the tree, which was really cute. Not happy about that...)

This was the "Where's Waldo" Tree, and it randomly had Spiderman climbing the Lebohner Building on top.  We didn't understand, but we took a pic for Lily :)

As always, I have pics of my dogs.  
Just cuteness.

 Wearing Rudolph coats.

Christmas Break brings so much excitement...and so much driving the Mom crazy with, "Can I please just open one present??? Please???"  So to fix that, I tried to invite as many friends over as possible.  Jacob has a few stuffed animals on his bed, and apparently he decided this one particular day that they were not cool.  I walked into my room and found them lying on my cedar chest.

But the shark got to stay...

Part of the aftermath.  This really does not do the damage justice.  There were Nerf bullets EVERYWHERE.  I even found some in the tree when I was taking it down after Christmas.


  1. Ha. Ha. Not only does Michael not look happy, but Maggie doesn't either. Even though she looks cute.
    I so could you see you organizing the coaches gifts.. Runs in our family.

  2. I agree with the Dr. Seuss tree ( but, perhaps, if the top of the Charlie Brown was there, I would have preferred it.)

    LOVE the Rudolph coats.

    The Nerf bullets are hilarious. SO much I have to look forward to!

  3. You are mom of the year. Love the picture of you giving the coach's speech!!!

    Nerf bullets. Awesome.
