Monday, January 5, 2015

I will get caught up, I will get caught up, I will, I will, I will...

 I think this was one of their last games? Sheesh, I am behind. But whatever, that's a cute #14 standing there if I do say so myself.
 End of the season pizza party!
 Jacob is on the right side toward the very back.
 One of the moms actually makes cakes. So yea, here is this beauty.

 Morgan's birthday party at mom's.  Mom couldn't find the candles...

 About a year ago I bought a map of the US, a cork board and some pins so that Jacob and I could pin everywhere we go.  It has been really fun, he has enjoyed it a lot.  Every time Michael and Morgan come over, Michael makes fun of it.  But Morgan stares at it.  So, naturally I got her one for her birthday, along with a magnifying glass and pins.  When she opened it, it occured to me that I hadn't bought any kind of pin cushion or case for the pins to go in, and I immediately had visions of her dropping them and stepping on them (although she probably would immediately find the pin she dropped, but this is how I have to think with Jacob because after dropping it he would just shrug his shoulders and get another).  Anyway, we drove up to Walmart to get something and couldn't find anything. What?! I mean, no pin cushion, no small little box...craziness.  So then we went across the street to the dollar store AND STILL COULDN'T FIND ANYTHING. What the heck.  Then as we were leaving I saw a little boy bouncing a ball and a lightbulb went off in my head.  I looked for a solid rubber ball, found one, and viola!! A homemade pin cushion.  I think I am going to start selling them on Etsy. 
*p.s.  I had bought green pins because that is her fave color, and look at the color of the ball!!

 Michael is an excellent gift giver.  He always comes up with great ideas that normally you would think a mother would think of.  He, Morgan, Jacob, & I all went to see The Giver when it came out.   Jacob promptly declared it stupid (I still have hope, don't worry-it took him a while to come around to Harry Potter), while Morgan declared she must read the book.  So I let her borrow my old copy.  She of course devoured it.  Then, somehow, I'm not even sure how exactly, Michael found out that if you send Lowry a copy she will autograph it for you. What. So he did and it actually came in on her birthday.  He had figured it wasn't going to make it and had wrapped up a random Christmas gift instead.  
*p.s. it didn't occur to him to get a stand so we also picked that up at Walmart while searching in vein for a pin cushion

 Mav.  In his highchair at my house.  Needing a little assistance, but enjoying it all the same.

 I agreed to be in the fantasy league the family does with Jacob only because this year it ended up being uneven. Jacob told me he would help me switch players around, bench people, etc, and one morning I found this note on the desk.  Sweetness.


 I still make cookies/fudge for the people at our office.  There are eight bosses/receptionists/maintenance men so yea, a lot of cookies and fudge. Plus I send Keith some every year.


 Just checking out the fantasy stats.  In the fantasy stat newspaper.  Yes, that is a real thing.

 I have no idea what is going on here.  No shirt, an arm sleeve warmer thingy on his leg.  Headband. Eating some muffins. Yep.


1 comment:

  1. He wrote a to-do list note about doing your fantasy football. I hope you save that note forever, and I hope my boy turns out just like him. To-do notes! Fantasy Football! Helping Mom! It is all too cute.

    WHAT ON EARTH. How am I just NOW finding out about the Lois Lowry copy?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I feel like I should have found out about that sooner. I am just saying.
