Monday, January 12, 2015

Christmas Part 2

I saw a person making and selling these on Facebook, thought it was SO cute, but she was asking $125. What.  Well, I thought, I can do that. Yea. With a little lot of  help from Hallie, Jon, and a neighbor with a vinyl letter maker.

 Basically all I did was paint the black arm and the little black thing at the bottom that the strings are attached to.  Oh, and I distressed them.  Hallie painted the guitar, Jon attached the arm with screws sticking out so I could wrap the strings, and a neighbor made the letters and came up with the idea to put the ribbon and pics at the top. I did glue the ribbon and pick the pictures...

opening it (not sure why it is two separate videos):
*Jacob is like a puppy desperate for attention.  Good grief

 Strolling through Target one day. 

 One of our assistants bought the Home Depot cup for Jon for Christmas.  Pretty awesome.

 Mav's first Santa pic!

 A cheap train set Jon bought at Goodwill.  Seriously.  They were both obsessed with it.

 Jacob's little tree in his room

 This yellow water plane ornament is special because when Jacob was little, there was a movie he was OBSESSED with (Alaska?), and the dad in the movie flew a yellow water plane.  He called it a "banana plane."

 The Polar Express Ornament.  Again, young Jacob obsession. 

 I got Mav a singing, light up, snowglobe blowing snowman.  He loved it.

 Again, the train.  

 Again, the snowman.

 I have posted before that I get everyone pj's for an early Christmas gift.  But this year I got Jacob an Alabama Pillow Pet.  He LOVES it.  Goober.  The Friday of the first week back to school the kids could bring something they got for Christmas (as long as it wasn't electronic).  He brought this.

 Again, the train.  The presents are stacked so that they are tunnels.  Jon did this.  The 50 year old.

We were still working on the guitar and were at the string phase.  I was letting Hallie know that when we came over to make cookies I would bring the twine...
 So I couldn't let her down!!

 Speaking of twine, I mean wine, I may have developed a reputation...  Two of our long time employees got me a bottle and a cute glass for Christmas :)

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