Thursday, November 21, 2013

End of Football 2013

Football is over. Sadness. But it is kinda nice having our evenings free. At least until basketball starts. Sigh.

The player holding the sign on the right is our gentle giant.  His name is Hank, he is huge, and the kindest kid I have ever met.  When he tackles someone, he pushes them down and picks them back up in one swift motion.  The other player probably doesn't even realize what is going on.  When I wanted to take a pic of the sign, I asked him to hold this end and he took it ever so gently.  You can tell if you look closely.  And yes, that is my dad holding the other end.  You show up to something of mine and I will put you to work.

The boy.  Playing football.  In the middle of the street. At night....

The guys got so excited over the banner that had their numbers on it that I decided to do one with their names.  Not only did not one single kid mention it, I also forgot to take a pic.  Which is why, you will see, I only did numbers for the super bowl banner.   #foolmeonce

These are the same practice pants he wore last year.  So I am glad they lasted (if you can use that word) 2 seasons.  But just barely....I was having to tape them up with athletic tape by the end...

It pays to have a doctor as your coach.  When it started getting too cold, he arranged for us to practice at an inside baseball practice building.  Which I didn't even know existed.  But this is Collierville, so of course it does.

Morgie Porgie and I coincidentally wore the same shoes one day.  :)

Jacob is the one with the helmet still on, on the left.

 Last sign of the season.  Last pep talk of the season.  In the rain.  Of course.

Morgan got a hold of my camera again this year.  She said she is going to make it a tradition.

Giving out the trophies at the end.  We didn't win the superbowl, but we were league champs.  They got a trophy for that, and for super bowl runners up.

Jacob is right smack in the middle

Aren't these cute? Yea, too bad I forgot to pick them up before the game and instead had to give them to the crew at work.  But the silver lining is that on Saturdays, the kitchen is mostly football players from Ridgeway High School  and their school colors are actually blue and orange.  So it all worked out  :)

The photographer who took their team pics was handing these out at the superbowl game.  Adorableness. 

Jacob getting his award at the banquet.  He got the "team award" which the coach explained meant that he knew he could stick Jacob in several different positions and he would do well.  Jacob was pretty happy with that.  It wasn't a size-too-small-t-shirt, but you know, we'll take it  insert sarcastic tone here

Video of him getting his award

His coach, and doctor.

Me--"Hey guys, can I take your picture?"

"Ok, got it, thanks..."

Here are the team pics.  They are awesome.  I can tell you that to date, Jacob has never taken a picture as good as this one.

They offered this fake magazine cover as part of the package.  Funness. 

1 comment:

  1. He is seriously SO cute. That picture is awesome. It was worth all of the practices and time and energy and sign-making JUST to get that picture of him. Did you buy the "ESPN cover"?

    I love the helmets lined up pictures.

    Those donuts look amazing.

    Best part= the blurry pics of the huge pile of crazy boys.

    Morgan stealing the camera. Precious. I love that you guys have family there to come to things. Jacob's fan club.

    Hughes really, really needs a son. He would love all of this.
