Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Random pic catch up.

Jacob's future wife if I have anything to do about it friend Ashley (the one in the pink) has been coming over to play a lot recently.  She had a friend with her this day (the person walking toward the right).  They throw the football, jump on the trampoline, ride the golfcart.  You know, normal stuff future husband & wives friends do.

Abby is obsessed with Hot Pockets.  They are pretty amazing.  But the weird thing about them is that each school year when I go to buy some for her lunch, there are different varieties available.  Oh sure, pizza and meatball are always there, but we like the taco ones and ESPECIALLY the chicken quesadilla ones.  This year I couldn't find either.  Anywhere.  Devastation.  Until one day I FINALLY found taco ones at Kroger.  I sent her a pic, and her response is in yellow...

Jacob got a 100 on a math test.  This was sometime in early November.  And up until that point I had signed approximately 5 Fs on math tests.  I have pretty much appointed myself his math tutor, and we do work every night, regardless of whether he has homework or not. So I was hoping for better grades, but a 100!! What.

Keith's girlfriend sent us this pic of him heating up the spaghetti sauce my mom made and froze for him while we were there in Vegas.

Maggie.  Doofus with her tongue sticking out of her mouth.  On the side.

 At a school thing where they raced to raise money for...something. This is before the race, they were warming up doing dances.  I think Gangnum style??
 Jacob's friend Daniel.
 Jacob's class.  He is one of the ones sitting, right in the middle, in between the girl in the white shorts and the boy holding the sign.  By the way, there are 3 sets of twins in Jacob's grade, and every year the administration separates the sets, but puts all of one group of halves in the same class, and then the other group of halves in another class.  Jacob has been in a class with both groups now.  This year it is Taylor, Carson and Regan, whose matches Alex, Conner, & Riley were in Jacob's class last year.

I think I have already posted this, but I just love him and his imagination.  This is Jacob playing "temple run" when we went to pick up rental stuff from the wedding.  **For my future self-Temple Run is a game kids play on their iPads/pods where a little guy is running along narrow brick walls.  From up above, these paths would totally look like that.

I had kept Jacob home from school randomly, and then went and checked Morgan out.  Both excuses cited "family reasons" as their reason.
 And that family reason was Grammy's birthday!!

 We may have taken a detour to Bass Pro Shop to get Jon a bday present (which was a week later).

Someone somewhere needs to mark 2013 as the year Jacob became officially OBSESSED with football.  His hair is all wet, so he must have just gotten out of the shower.  And since this was during his season, he had probably just come from practice.  And here he is watching football on tv and checking his fantasy scores on his iPad.  Yep.  Obsessed.  

Mom brought balloons to Jon on his bday, which also fell on game night for Jacob.  So Jon got lots of teasing from other dads.

UT hoodie score by Grammy from Goodwill.

Mom was playing Candy Crush & not doing well, so Jacob came over to show her how it's done.

Field trip.  To a garden here in Collierville run by a random group of people who donate all the food to shelters.  I actually think that is Jacob on the bottom left.  Looks like I almost cut him out...

 Jacob is to the left, in front, second from the left.

Our nephew Tim came into town to visit everyone and Jacob wasted no time in getting him talking about/looking at football cards.

The most awesome Thanksgiving decoration there is.  A one-eyed, paper grocery bag stuffed turkey.

This is just how Maggie sleeps.  Just cracks me up.

I had to document the latest craze:  these bracelets made out of tiny rubber bands. Am I wrong or are they basically the rubber bands used on braces???

I had closed the bedroom door to change.  I don't know what I was thinking.  Gonzo was not happy, and when I did open the door, he moped around for the rest of the day as if he had just received the ULTIMATE rejection.

 Sure you guys can play football for a little while before school, I said.  And then noticed, as it was time to walk to school without any time to spare, that Jacob had been practically ROLLING around in the wet, muddy yard.  So yes he did go to school that day looking like I had dressed him in clothes I found on the side of the road.  Funniest thing is that when I took these pics, it was to document the awesomeness.  Not the stupidity it turned out to be.

Jacob's friend Lucas.  His mom and I went to grad school together and became good friends.  They recently bought a donut shop here in Collierville, and it is next to where Jacob gets his hair cut.  We were getting his hair cut recently on a Saturday and walked next door to say hi when we got through.  Lucas was in there "working" so I asked his mom if he could come home with us.  Um, YES, was the answer.

First of all, yes, Jacob's shirt is on backwards.   Second, YES HE IS VACUUMING THE STAIRS!! The best part of them growing up I tell you.

And then he will crawl up into your lap  :)

 I think I took this and sent it to Jon one night while he was at work.  Maybe because both dogs where laying ON me?  Or maybe because of the awkward way Maggie had her legs?? I don't remember.  I take too many pics.

Hallie is pregnant!!  She posted this pic on FB: 

 So I posted this:

Jacob was looking really cute this day.  So I wanted to take a pic.  Oh well.

Oh, I guess this would have been nice to put near the math test above.  Oh well.
This is the progress report.  In the first column you can see the 2 Cs he got in math and science on his report card.  And in the second column, math is now an A and science is a B!!

Future Mrs. Jacob Phillips  Ashley came over another day. She is the one on the right jumping, her friend is lying down, and that is Morgan in the pink.  She and Michael were over here when Ashley came by.  Probably to scope out this girl over at her man's house...

 Then Ashley's friend's mom came to get her, but Ashley stayed and had a leaf fight.

**To set the record straight, Jacob and Ashley in no way consider themselves a couple.  Nor do they even act like they "like" in that way.  I just love her.  And her parents.  So there you go.

Abby's homecoming.  It was the weekend we left for Vegas.  Of course.  This was the first time we missed something like this.  Leading up to it, Abby was hoping to get on the court.  I was hoping she wouldn't (so I wouldn't miss it!!)  She was sad when she didn't.  I was relieved.  Selfish ;)

This is some fire hydrant Morgan and Michael pass by that someone glued googly eyes on.  Morgan named it Ed.  Michael said it makes him want to carry glue and googly eyes with him everywhere he goes and apply randomly.

1 comment:

  1. Jacob's grin in the pic with the green shirt. Love him.

    I will take Ashley as a cousin in law. She appears to be pretty cute.

    Maggie. Do y'all call her Mags?

    I want a trampoline.

