Friday, October 11, 2013

Vegas #1--Flying & Keith's house

At the Nashville Airport

Morgie looking glamorous in her free Memphis Grizzlies sunglasses given out at Sonic this past year :)

That's our plane!

Yes looking out the window was exciting for a few minutes, but c'mon, Spongebob is on and the window is making a glare!

Then we were above the clouds, and it became interesting again ;)

Changing planes in Denver.  I was seriously waiting for Jacob to fall.  The boy is not graceful...

Michael is just a little obsessed with some game on Morgan's iPad.

I thought this was so random.  The brand of makeup is sold at Sephora, and there was a vending machine for it in the Las Vegas Airport.

Mom didn't even make it out of the airport before she found a slot to play.

On the shuttle to the rental car.

Jacob bought a $10 watch on the cruise last year randomly.  And it was everyone's saving grace because we didn't really carry our phones with us all the time.  Then, of course it broke soon after we got home but by then he was addicted to having a watch.  So we got him another.  And he wouldn't settle for a kid's watch, no, it had to have all the gadgets like the one he bought on the cruise.  Anyway, it's huge and everyone teases him about it, but he does not care.  I picked out a similar one at Target the other day when they had that crazy free coupon, and he was just so excited that we have matching watches now ;)

We got to eat at In-N-Out Burger in Vegas near Keith and Terrin's house.  It was delicious.  Not sure if it was really that good, or that we were just starving at this point...

We got to Keith's house and mom was amazed at how organized Keith's garage was.  Especially since he was the one who organized it.  She made me take a picture.

As you can see, the kids are really shy when they are in new surroundings...

Every other house in the neighborhood had a normal looking palm tree growing in their yards.  Not Keith's.  He apparently is waiting for Spongebob to show up...

Keith's backyard

That fence was made by Keith.  Really clever actually.  They only needed it to go around a section of the pool because one of their dogs, Jellybean, who Terrin has had since she was 16 and has cataracts now, randomly will fall into the pool.  Because she can't see well.  But only on that side, because, "that's the side of the yard she likes."  Oh.

The hot tub.  That is Jellybean there.  Since the kids were there, she was thoroughly confused.  She kept barking, which Keith and Terrin said she never does, and she was wondering around on the side of the yard she never goes to.  And of course she fell into the hot tub.

On his way to work.  He is trying to join the Union and apparently there is sort of a probationary period so he couldn't ask off for specific days.

Again, that shyness.  We really need to do something about how introverted our kids are.

Here they are dancing:

Things heard while at Keith's house:
Keith-"Jacob, why are you throwing your towel into the pool?"
Morgan-"Uncle Keith, why are you so tall?"
Jacob-"Check it out! Gold!"  Referring to a decorative bowl with gold shavings holding a candle.
Any one of us at any given moment-"Jacob stop, you're going to break it."  The house was not Jacob-proof.

Jacob, after we landed the first time- "I'm excited we didn't die."  (if you remember, he said something similar at the end of the cruise).


  1. LOL what are we going to do with Jacob in a few years. That plane ride was so loooooooooooong - next time i want to pay the extra and get front seats

  2. Your mom in the airport is hilarious.

    Keith & Uncle Bo look so much alike. It is crazy

    He is pretty tall.

    I love their shyness. It is clearly genetic.

    That backyard is insane. Awesome. Poor Jellybean.

  3. Such fun posts..

    you did a great job with her hair. I love it.
    Michael playing on the girls team.. so random, but I do wonder what the parents thought.
    I love Keith's back yard. I was just showing Uncle Vince and said it makes me want to go to Vegas.
