Sunday, September 29, 2013

Homecoming week came and each day the kids were encouraged to dress a certain way.  The first day was "colorful" day.  Jacob went all out, which was shocking for me because he usually does not get into this sort of thing. 

Then we showed up to walk with our group and a certain future daughter in law's mom was talking about how heavy Ashley's backpack was....

The next day was "be anything you want day" or something, and a certain future daughter in law called the night before to see if she could borrow carhop clothes. 

There are Bobs shoes now.  Bobs.  You know, like I call Jacob, Bob.  Of course I bought some.

This is really typical of my car on any given day.  I am documenting this only to make myself feel better when people make fun of me for not being able to remember anything.  See, I remember LOTS.  It's just that I have so MUCH to remember, some things are bound to slip through the cracks.
Here in the big box I have the tshirts for the parents on Jacob's football team.  I have to go through them all, make sure it is all correct, and then figure out who owes me what.  On the floor is a package Jon needed me to mail because UPS never came to pick it like they were supposed to.  And of course 2 boxes of cupcakes for 2 employees at work.

Here in the tub in the back seat I have the winter jacket orders from our employees that I have to go through, make sure everything is correct, & fill out forms for each person to sign. I don't even remember what was in that plastic bag anymore.  And that big giant blue bag is actually my "briefcase" I carry to and from work everyday.  In there I have everything from extra counterfeit pens & Advil to my uniform bookkeeping notebook & extra socks for Jon in case his get wet at work.
 Seriously, Jacob is always complaining about how much stuff is in my car.  You can't see it but there is most likely a random football in there.  And probably a youth sized pair of shoes...

 Couldn't go without a few football pics!!

Playing after (or maybe before) practice one day.  They are so hilarious/cute playing an impromptu game.

 Michael and Morgan came over one day.  I can't remember the actual reason, but Morgan was in Jacob's gear within 5 minutes begging to play.

In the following video you will see jaw dropping displays of athleticism:

In this video you will get the rare opportunity to witness the famous "giggle until the opponent gives up" trick play:

And finally, you have the chance to see some major flirting (or whatever you would call what 9 & 10 year olds do).  Notice the golf cart going by in the background.  That is my future daughter in law and her sister.  I didn't count, but I'm pretty sure that cart went down our street no fewer than 15 times while we were out there.  And she doesn't live on our street....


  1. Already liking the girls... Oh, fun times ahead.

    He is at such a fun age.

    My question about your bag you carry to work is what if Jon gets his feet wet and you are not there, shouldn't he keep them in his bag? :)

  2. I love how you put "real life" pictures, like the one of your car. You are like mom/wife/boss of the year. Of every year. I tell Hughes all of the time that you and Jon were the best bosses I ever had. I do love your briefcase.

    The videos are hysterical. I love your giggling in the background. What kind of camera are you using? With the fancy fading and combining? the golf car going is the best. I really hope he marries her (Ashley?), and save this video. And the backpack picture. And the Sonic carhop picture.
    I wish we lived closer, so we could come over to watch Jacob and Morgan play football. :(

    Oh, and love the Bob shoes. You had to get those.
