Thursday, April 12, 2012

Abby is 16!! (part two for your convenience)

Here are all the pics:

These are all of the gifts wrapped up, with post-it notes to remind me what they are and where to put them.

Aren't these cute? Michael's, with coupon ;)

The decorated living room, such as it is.  That thing hanging in the middle has been around for many a birthday party.  It used to be all connected together, and the streamers used to be fluffy. Not so much anymore...

Some pics of the bday girl.


 The gifts:  1.Starbucks gift card  2.Wallet  3.Money  4.Nike shorts (that thing to the left that is pinkish/zebra print)  5.Lellow Po-nailish   6.Sephora eye liner  7.Malco gift card  8.CD  9.Movie  10.Fave cereal  11.Dark chocolate Lemon Lems  12.Pandora car charms  13.Pandora "16" charm  14.Tebow tshirt  15.Cupcake keychain  16.Photo album

1 comment:

  1. What a fun idea!! You are so creative and the gifts are hilarious:)
