Saturday, December 18, 2010

We are nerds

One of my and Jake's fave things to do is hang out in the bookstore. We don't even have to buy anything. We just love to hang out. Sad, I know. I literally have to set a timer on my phone or Jacob will stay there all day. Love it!!


  1. you people are my soul mates!
    Where is this place??

  2. Um, how do I make Lily like that? What do I do?

  3. i am sure she will nicole! do you have a bookstore nearby? if it has a children's area then just go hang out there. treat it like a library. let her play, read a few books, then leave. jess and i have been doing it with both kids for years. we actually 3 diff ones we meet at. usually the children's area has a train set or some other toys and is always a mess from other people doing the same thing, so don't feel bad about not buying anything!
