Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas 2010

We had a great Christmas, partially because the mystery of why Jacob wanted a GPS was finally solved.  This happened when he opened his Nintendo DS that I was totally excited about because I had told him he wasn't getting one since they are so expensive but then found out you can buy them used at Gamestop for only $45!!! But here is the order in which the GPS mystery unfolded over the month of December:  Jacob asks for a Nintendo DS. I look around and see that the cheapest one is $130 (I am sorry but it is my opinion a 6 year does not need a $130 toy). I tell him that if I get him one, he will not get any other presents. He decides he doesn't want the DS (good choice son). Then I find out about buying them used (sweeeet). All of a sudden Jacob is telling everyone, including Santa, that he wants a GPS.  I assume that he is trying to tell Santa to get him a DS and attempt to explain what a GPS is. He already knows, duh, it tells you where to go when you are lost. Okaaaaaay. He continues to tell people that he wants a GPS. On Christmas day, when he opens his DS (remember, I am super excited), he says, "I told you, I know the difference between a DS and a GPS, and I wanted a GPS." Taking a couple of deep breaths because he is just 6, I say, "Jacob, you don't need a GPS because you don't have a car to put it in."  He replies, "I know that, I was going to save it for when I turn 16!"  Such a planner. So I tell him, "When you turn 16, if you buy yourself a car, I will buy you a GPS."  "Oh, great! Thanks mom!"  Then turns around and begins playing with the DS. Mystery solved! Still a little confused about the whole thing, but all's well that ends well!
Here is Morgie Porgie looking at the photo book I made for her filled with pics of her and Jacob from birth until now.
Finally, another big thing Jacob wanted was this huge Star Wars Lego kit. Yes, there are 1,170 pieces and 2 instruction books.

The progress....

It is just crazy to me that my child, who I just gave birth to yesterday it seems, is putting together a 1,170 piece lego ship that has a total of 120 pages of instructions. Wow.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE how grown up he is! That GPS story is possibly the most hilarious thing I have ever heard. That is a keeper for the future.
