Sunday, June 28, 2015

Redneck Island Waterpark

I know, I can't believe that it is a real place either.  But it is, and it was only about 2 hours away. Michael's girlfriend's (Jenna's) family lives near it-which is how we found out it existed.  We did not know what we were getting ourselves into, but it was SO GREAT.
Because her family met us there, we qualified for the group rate.  And besides the "rides," jet skis and boats could be rented, and there was a free beach area where people could bring their own coolers filled with bottled waters and food.  They had a food stand but it was so great being able to save that money.  So many places don't let people do that. It's really frustrating because usually you end up spending more on food and water that you do to get into a place.  I mean, what's a cheap, coupon hoarding, cheap event searching Italian supposed to do with that???

Ok rant over.

 This is Michael attempting to do the giant balls (we had no idea what any of these things were actually called, so we came up with clever names ourselves).  We never saw anyone get past the second one, and as it turned out, Michael couldn't get past the first...

 They didn't have any handles, and they were filled pretty tightly with air so it was difficult to maneuver.  It actually took him 2 or 3 tries to even land on the first one.  The first couple of times he hit the ball then bounced off and hit the water.  Jeanna and I were cracking up.

Why yes I am a big fan of the burst shot, thanks for asking.

 The FREE beach area.  That is Jacob on the far left, his friend Beau in the middle, and Jenna's son Taylor on the right.

 Morgan and Jenna's daughter Gracie.

 Jenna said, "look at the boys playing human tug of war while the girls quietly play in the sand..."
Yep, sums it up.

 Jacob came over to make sure they didn't quietly play for too long.

 Jenna is about to "blob" her sister.  That's another one of those clever names we came up with.  Incidentally it can be used as a noun and a verb.  Because that's how we roll.  
One person sat on the end of the blob while another person jumped on it and blobbed them off into the water.  See how that works?

 Here, Michael is blobbing Morgan off of the kiddie blob.  There's that cleverness again...

 You can see her skinny legs flying through the air.

 A couple pics of the park.

 Jenna's daughter Gracie climbing the rock wall
 Jacob and Beau

 Taylor and Jacob

 Taylor and Morgan

 Taylor and Morgan

 Taylor and Jacob

 Taylor and Beau, with Jacob leaning over to high five Taylor

 Jacob looking proud of himself


 Climbing up to the big slide.  The big slide (another clever name) was the only thing out there with an actual ladder to climb up.  To get on all the other rides we had to claw our way up from the water.  It. Was. Tiring.

 Jacob swinging.  On the left side of that rope swing is a trampoline.

 That is Morgan about to swing, and I think Jacob and Beau clawing their way up on the left.

 Morgan standing in the middle with Jacob about to swing.

 In what can only be called the best shot of the day, I captured Jacob jumping from a tall pyramid thingy.

 The kids climbing up the tall pyramid thingy.

From left to right we have: a random kid who wasn't even hanging out with us so apparently he just photobombed my pic, Jacob, Beau, and Taylor.
Also, see that ball rocket thing in the top right corner?? If you could claw your way up, which we all did with much effort, it was SO FUN.  There were handles to hold onto and arm things that jut out that you could ride sort of like a horse.  Then you rocked it back and forth, and around, trying to rocket people off.  (Again, our clever naming skills allowed us to use the name as a noun and a verb.  Efficiency at its best.)

**Disclaimer.  I WAS THERE AND ACTUALLY DID ALL THESE THINGS.  Everyone kept asking if I just sat out and took pics.  No, I did not, dang it.  I just took a 10 minute break to document and then got back in.  Sheesh.

1 comment:

  1. Award should go to that place for best kept secret.. I love it.
