Saturday, June 20, 2015

Florida trip Part1

 No, we did not make these.  An old guy sitting near us did.  Above, we have a crab.  Below, a Hammerhead shark.  Because a regular shark would be so boring. 

 Here is a Manta Ray.

Here is what we built.  Yes, that is a giant blob with sand castles from bucket molds on top.  But it does have a moat around it...

 And, just like when we build a snowman, all they wanted to do was destroy it...

 Jon brought some flippers he bought at a garage sale.  Those stayed on long enough for them to walk to the water, and then fall.  Then they were done with flippers.

 Late Saturday afternoon when we first got it.  Dad and Michael took the kids to the beach while  Mom and I unpacked.

 that's Jon's big toe in the pic.  He found this hilarious.

 The tractor that smooths the sand out each morning.  I had no idea this happened.

 A Jon selfie!!

 That first afternoon.  There were dead fish everywhere (the whole week).  Michael allowed this to occur.  I would have screamed at him to put it down.  
**Jon asked the chair guy if he knew what the deal was with all the dead fish, he shrugged and said, "Must be something in the water killing them..." Jon then asked, "you mean the same water we are swimming in???"

 A playground at one of the restuarants

 Jon brought our bikes so we rode to the souvenir shops one day

 The Nike Outlet had the crazy socks Jacob loves.  The boy loves to match.

 Typical boy blur.  Who knows what I was actually trying to get a picture of...

 I bought this one day when Mom and I were out.  Jacob loved it and quickly put it on his ankle.  Until the little shark tooth actually CUT his skin and drew blood.  What.

 The bunk beds

 They gave Uncle Mike boobs

In the craziest twist of good luck ever, Morgan got to shoot the cannon at Harry T's this year.  Jacob got to last year, and as we were walking to the restaurant she asked me if she could do it.  I told her they just randomly pick someone and I didn't have any control over it.  Then after we ordered the manager walks over and asks her to do it.  Crazy.

 Jacob has always colored everything in a rainbow pattern.  It cracks me up.

 And then in another CRAZY twist of luck, Morgan found these.  She had been wanting these cheeseburger Converse for a while but they were $60 so Michael told her she had to save up half.  When she had finally saved up enough, they went to go get them, only to find out they had been sold out (what?) and weren't available online anymore either.  Devastation.  The day we went to the outlet mall, we drove around looking for which stores we wanted to go in.  Morgan shouted "Journeys!" so we parked and went in...and found these on sale for $20!!! Craziness.

 This mug was just huge.

 Then it turned out there was actually a Converse store there, that sold NOTHING but Converse (but were out of the cheeseburger ones also).  Michael, Jacob, Morgan, and I all got a pair (because they were buy one, get one half off).  And perhaps some shirts, socks, and a keychain were also purchased...

 Eating crickets, yes I said CRICKETS, we bought in the gift shop at Fudpuckers.  Gross. They actually had flavors like sour cream and onion.

I didn't buy these just thought they were funny.  Ear buds that look like ears.  Haha.

 It really did smell like a fart.  It was disgusting.

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