Sunday, February 22, 2015

Hallie's dogs looking forlorne.  


 I spy Maggie ears...

 Jacob's fish tile he painted last year, hanging on the wall of the school.

 Gonzo singing "Rain, Rain, Go Away..."

 "Jacob get that gun out from under your bed."
"No Mom, that one stays under there. For protection."

 10 years old, still holds his mama's hand.  Just felt like I needed to document this.

 She's just a goofball.

 Flip video camera taped to the nerf gun to record the epic battle that was taking place.  Duh.

 Jacob is behind the door, that is Tristan in the blue.  They are ready to ambush Alex, except that Alex is on the other side of the pillow on the stairs (see that little bit of black?).  Not really sure how he managed to get there without them noticing, but I'm thinking Alex=1, Jacob & Tristan=0.

 Maggie typically takes over this pillow but this day Gonzo decided he wanted to give it a whirl.  Well, Maggie was not giving up without a fight.

 "I'm gonna precipitate."

 The birth of an addiction-vanilla bean frappacino with extra caramel drizzle.

Why is there a stick in your backpack?
"Because it's a good stick."

1 comment:

  1. This is my future.

    The gun one immediately followed by the hand holding. Sigh. Love his heart.
