Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Finally, the last Christmas post plus some misc.

Christmas with Jon's family

 Abby with Maveroo and cousin Joe.  He and his wife Jessie are the ones who live in Chattanooga near the university.

 Our niece Bianca and her boyfriend we love-Bradley.

 Our nephew Conrad had a baby, Brooke.

 Brooke with the lamb Grandmother gave her, it plays the tune to Jesus Loves Me.

 Conrad and Brooke.

 Hallie with Mav on the floor and cousin Joe holding Brooke, Jennifer in the middle.

 That is my eye on the right, Jon's sister Pam's on the left.  She and I were sitting in the dining room, her two kids were in the living room.  They randomly took a goofy selfie and texted it to her, even though she was one room over (we couldn't see them though, seperated by a wall).  So she and I took this one and sent it to them. 

 Jon's sister Donna, me, Bianca, and her grandmother.

 The studs.  Mav totally poses for pics #ham

Niece Jennifer with Mav

 Jessie (Chatt niece) with sister in law Judy

 Mav with his lamb

 I mean. The cuteness. I can't even take it.

 Jon's sister Pam, sister in law Judy, nephew Tim.

 A regular selfie of Pam and me.

 Bianca, Jenniefer, Jessie with photo bombs by Tim and Brad

 Jon's sisters Donna (left) and Pam (right) were helping their mom clean some stuff out and came across these hats.  Why does a person have 3 red hats???

 Jacob LOVES his cousin Reed.  And that is brother in law Rodney in the background.

 A happy Shae-Shae holding the cutest grandbaby in the world.

 Rodney and I have been taking selfies from the beginning, even when I just took it with a regular camera.  It's a tradition now.  Hey, maybe we started the trend!!

 Nephew and niece Tim and Jennifer

 Nephew Joe, Jon's brother Brad, and brother in law John.

The whole clan.  Missing a few still though :(

 The amazing publicity my genius son received in the school bulletin :)

 Watching a football game at Buffalo Wild Wings.  We have been there before, but I think we've always managed to sit outside somehow.  This night we sat down, ordered, and then Jacob literally squealed.  Squealed.  When Jon and I looked over at him he said, "I guess I am just overwhelmed by all the tvs."

 Have you been to Chili's lately?? Mom took me out for my birthday and they have these new little tablets on all the tables.  You can look at pics of their food AND for a DOLLAR  your kid can play games.  A DOLLAR.  GENIUS in every sense of the word.  

 Hallie followed my lead and got Josh TN Titans game tickets for his birthday.  His fave team is the Colts, so that is the one they went to.  

 Christmas Day Jon and I were channel surfing and came across an Anthony Bourdain show.  We like him so we decided to watch.  The show was about places to eat in Las Vegas and all of a sudden he was at Oscar's-the place Keith used to work.  THEN Keith appeared!!! It was pretty crazy.

 Just a lot of cuteness.

 Jacob and I had to share an extension cord. #modernfamily

This rock sat on my table for several days before I finally asked why.  Jacob kindly explained: "in case we are near water sometime soon, I will have a good rock to skip." 

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