Monday, June 2, 2014

The "N" Word

Clearly being the mother of Jacob is only going to get more entertaining as the years go on.

A week before school was to let out, I got a phone call from the teacher.  This is what she tells me:
"The kids are doing group work today and Jacob is sitting at a group with his friend Miles.  One of them said the "n" word.  When I asked them both about it, they blamed each other.  I explained to them that we don't say that word, it is insulting [yada yada]  and sent them back to their group.  A few minutes later, Jacob said it again, and this time when I asked him about it, he admitted it."

I was shocked.  Because we never have this sort of problem with him.  He can be hyper, annoying, a smart ass, and argumentative-yes.  But never does he insult people or say derogatory things.  I told her I was shocked but would talk to him about it.

That afternoon I ask him about it.  Here is his story:
His friend Miles said the word "nigger" just out of the blue.  Jacob says they weren't even talking about black people, Miles just randomly said the word.  Jacob told on him, but of course Miles denied it and blamed it on Jacob.  The teacher gave them a lecture.  They returned to their seats where a black girl named Amariya told Jacob he was racist.  He told her he didn't say it, Miles did.  But Amariya insisted it was Jacob and told another girl that Jacob was a racist.  To which Jacob responded, "I did not say the n-word!"  Amariya told on him at this point (I'm not really sure why), and that is when the teacher asked him about it and he admitted saying it.

Here is where it gets interesting:
Me-So you did say nigger.
Jacob-No! I told you I didn't!
Me- But you just said you did.
Jacob-No, I told you I said 'n-word.'
Me-So you didn't say 'nigger,' you said, 'n-word.'
Me-But why did you say you did say it when Mrs. Pinne asked you?
Jacob-She didn't ask me if I said 'nigger,' she asked if I said 'n-word.'  And I did say 'n-word' so I said yes.

So, I wrote an email to the teacher explaining all of this.  I also gave Jacob a lecture on tattling on people, told him not to unless someone was going to get hurt from something.  Then I kissed and hugged him, told him how awesome he was. He said, "That's it? No punishment?"  No, baby, no punishment.

Lord give me strength.


  1. Bless him. Oh my gosh. I love him. I'm so glad you did a blog post.

  2. This makes me angry. I mean, Jacob is adorable and so sweet, but I blame his teacher for even putting him in that predicament. I love, love that they set up the pencil steal, though. Genius.

    Also, on the earlier post...Jon's hanging dog! Hilarious!

    And, I love the pre corn dog day preparation.

    The bouquets were perfect! That was super sneaky, which made the whole thing even more special!

    The mint charm is my favorite, for sure.
