Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Great Pencil Sting

I decided I better record this story as well.

Jacob started complaining about a little girl stealing pencils almost immediately after the school year started.  I didn't worry about it because 1) they were just pencils and 2) I, and the teacher I assume, have enough to deal with.  So I just kept buying more.  And eventually I resorted to labeling his in hopes that he would be able to spot his if she was using one.  Although I am sure once the pencils left his possession he never thought about them again.

About 2 months before the school year was over, Jacob walked into the room, looked for a pencil, only to find that he only had 1 really short one left.  Exasperated he exclaimed, "every day I come to school I have less pencils than the day before."  Hearing this, 2 other girls that sit in his group, Jocelyn and Carrie, declared that enough was enough and that they had a plan.  The plan was to set out a pencil and wait to see if Amariya, a.k.a. The Pencil Thief, took it.  So they did, and she did.  Once she took it, they all jumped on her, which of course just led to an argument.  This got the attention of the teacher who then scolded Jacob, Carrie, and Jocelyn for setting up a student.  Their punishment was to miss recess and write a "reflection" on why it is not right to set up a fellow student.  Somehow I have lost Jacob's reflection (or maybe I had to sign it and return it?) but I can tell you that it was a bunch of regurgitated sentences:  "I will not set up a fellow student.  Setting up a fellow student is wrong because it is a form or bullying (what?)" yada yada yada.

When Jacob came home that day, I called Jocelyn's mom (we are friends).  She answered the phone laughing, "I already know why you are calling.  I am in my bathroom with the door locked so Jocelyn doesn't hear me laughing.  This is the most hysterical thing."  So there ya go.  Clearly, we took this seriously.  #not

Anyway, the pencil thief is the same girl who basically egged Jacob on and called him a racist in the previous story.  In fact, she kept on until he exclaimed, "I didn't say the 'n-word'!"  and then told on him for saying "n-word."  I actually ended my email to the teacher concerning the "n-word" incident with a question and a statement:

"Why are these two still sitting near each other?"


"Based on the way Amariya egged Jacob on, one might even say she set him up."

Score 1 for Momma Bear.

1 comment:

  1. Boom. You totally scored more than 1 point. This is at least 10 points.

    This is precious, though. "the N word" Bless him.

    She totally set him up. GRRRRR
