Friday, May 30, 2014

I think I may have posted this before?? Who knows. But Jon finally got himself an iPad and Jacob designed his wallpaper  :)

We were getting ready for "National End of School Year/ 50cent Corn Dog Day" at work.  We wanted to go ahead and stuff bags with napkins because it saves time during a rush.  We knew it was going to be madness (and it was) so we decided to bring a bunch home the day before and do some.  Jacob was also paid (forced) to help.  Two of his friends kept knocking on the door to see if he could play and after a couple unsuccessful attempts, they offered their services.  Why yes, the girl is the one I have picked out for his future wife. 

We went through an automated carwash and apparently these things have not lost their wondrous splendor for the boy.  I can totally remember going through these when I was little and loving it.

*sidenote:  see the paperbag in the door pocket? I literally keep a pack of paper lunch bags in the car and keep one there for Jacob to throw trash in.  When that one gets full, I reach into one of the pockets of one of the backseats where I keep the stash and replace it.I always admire those moms who don't let anyone eat in their car, but then I remember how much I like to eat in the car. 

 He he  ;)    I brought home a bunch of Sonic cups, lids, & straws for the summer.  Love it.  Also, see the cute bucket in the background? Jacob's teacher made those for all the parents who helped out during the year.  So sweet.

My mother's day gift.  Here is how it was presented to me:  Mom, I made you something at school.  I don't really know what it is though....Hopefully it didn't break on the way home from school, because I tripped..."
Obviously I love it.  And the way it was presented because it was done in such a boy style.  

The dog is literally hanging on Jon.  Weirdo

This tree is at Jon's mom's house and I am sure generations of kids & grandkids have played on it.  I KNOW I have some other pics of Jacob from years past, but after about 10 minutes of looking, I just couldn't care anymore.  #toomanypics

I swiped Jessica's and Morgan's bouquets and Morgan's head crown thing from the wedding.  It sort of happened accidentally.  Morgan was completely obsessed with her bouquet and kept frantically coming up to me asking, "where is my bouquet?!" After I would assure her that I still had it safely put to the side, she would let out a sigh of relief and say, "I just love it so much."  Then, at the end of the night, Jessica was slightly tipsy while everyone else was cleaning up, and I saw her bouquet get dumped into a box with a million other things. I rescued it and Morgan's flower crown. I dried them all and put them in shadow boxes.  I felt a little guilty about it because I am sure that when Jessica came to her senses a few days later, she probably frantically looked for them.  But I know it will be ok once I give it to her.
 Jessica's is above.  She was the one more obsessed with the flower crowns, and she kept hers on all night, so I decided to put Morgan's in there with her bouquet.  Morgan was mostly obsessed with her bouquet, so I put it by itself for her.

**update--I gave them to Jess and Morgan and they both screamed, "THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM!"  Apparently they both had been sad that their bouquets were missing!!  cue evil laugh 

Here is Jessica's post about it:   So, the day after the wedding, when everything had settled down a bit and I took survey of what had made it home from the venue, I realized that we had saved all of the bridesmaid bouquets sans mine and Morgan's. We couldn't find them anywhere. Morgan and I were so sad. My good friend Shannon came over today to bring me my wedding gift. I opened it to find a beautiful shadow box for Morgan and I and inside were the "missing" bouquets. Little reminders like this of how important our friends are and how much love they have for us is one thing that keeps my heart so warm. I love you my sneaky ass friend. I sure do love you.

Someone (mom) had come over and threw my invitation away, so I left that top corner empty bc I knew Jess would have one to add.  We added it and the RSVP & envelope to it, so here is the finished product:

Our 2014 high school grads.  There is only 1 missing.  So we only had a total of 5.  That means only a few leaving in the fall. Which is a good thing.  But considering we have about 65-70 employees, and the majority are high school kids, that means that the rest will be graduating next year.  Next fall will be brutal.  #scary

We have 3 good friends with pools.   3 more casual friends. So the plan for the summer is to mooch.  Of course ending the summer with the ultimate mooch at cousin Nicole's house on the lake.

This is an Origami Owl charm necklace.  They have been a little trendy for about a year but you have to either order online, or someone has a party selling it, kind of like Pampered Chef.  I was leery of blindly buying online, but finally someone I knew had a party.  I love it.  I had the hardest time trying to decide what kind of theme I wanted to go with as far as the charms go, because they have a TON.  I could have completely centered around Jacob, travel, etc.  I decided to center around myself and things/people I love and make up me.  So I have a sunshine because that is what Jon, Hallie, & Abby used to call me, a key because Jon gave me a cheesy cheap "key to my heart" necklace as a joke when we were dating (that I still have of course), a MOM charm for obvious reasons, a little book that says "heart to read," and a mint.  I love the mint! So fun.  And then I chose that back plate because I love all the people represented by the charms.  I love it.

1 comment:

  1. 1. You are the best Sonic employees, ever. Stuffing bags the night before? GENIUS.

    2. His face in the carwash picture. It is too much. Makes me want to go through a car wash right now.

    3. We basically eat 7 course meals in the car every day.

    4. Jessica and MOrgan's bouquets. #ofcourseyoudid

    5. Your mother's day present- I agree...the presentation is the best part of the whole gift.

    6. I cannot wait for you guys to come!!!!! #highlightofmysummer

    7. The mint IS PERFECT. Too bad they couldn't get a little tiny Sonic logo on it.
