Sunday, April 27, 2014

Morgan So Far This Year

I have become completely terrified of losing pics.  Even though I have them backed up, I think I will go ahead and do a post on my Morgie Porgie.  Also, because I have nothing but time on my hands (no, the dishes are NOT piled up, the dryer and washer are NOT filled with loads of clothes, and the bathrooms do NOT need to be cleaned).

A lot of these will be caption-less as I don't really know what is going on, I just stole them from Michael's or Jessica's instagram or FB

I do know this one is at a track meet.  The first one of the only 2 she was able to attend because she hurt her ankle pretty badly and is out for the rest of the season  :(

At the doctor's office one day

Jessica painted this old table and chair, recovered the pad, and bought a lamp and a few other accessories to turn the whole thing into a desk for Morgan's 9yh birthday this past year.

Watching Shark Tank (sideways-because she is talented like that).  We all love Shark Tank.

Just hangin out and lookin good from what I can tell...

She got to meet some of the Grizzlies basketball players.  That poster he is signing is actually for Jacob :)

 Morgan is in the ad for the apron she is wearing on Etsy (did I already post this???)

Larry, the googly-eyed fire extinguisher that is somewhere she and Michael go a lot.  Someone randomly put googly eyes on it.

 Rockin out

This picture perplexes me in a way that makes me want to ask "what?" but at the same time I want to frame it.  It appears she is at a hardware store, wearing an odd viking/moose hat, and yielding some kind of Native American staff.  In an Old Navy hoodie of course.

A letter to the tooth fairy which Mom named Penelope many years ago (I think when Keith and Michael were little and they wanted to know what her name was).

A school trip to Brim's chip factory

Something she posted on Instagram

It's possible I cheat when I play Uno.  It's also possible that I taught Morgan to do the same.  #epicunoplayers

One of Morgan's Christmas presents from Michael were tickets to see Wicked.  I actually had to steal this pic from someone else's FB page because Michael didn't take any. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. She really is so cute. I love her expressions.

    A lot of magnets are in this post....
