Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas #2

Jacob and Morgan opening their "box of stuff" from Grammy.  She makes up a box of random small gifts each year. They love it.  And she puts it in a reusable plastic box.  I love that  :)

Morgan fussing at me when she realized I had bought her gift from Aunt Debbie while she was with me one day.

Jacob, petting his new football from Aunt Debbie

Opening his goal seen in the previous post.  Cuz I'm good at posting in order.

 Jacob checking out the note left by Elfis.

With his Santa stuff:  a new tv ("I'm so lucky, how many kids actually get a new tv for Christmas?!"), two new XBox games, and all the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books that Elfis didn't bring.

 Santa brought Gonzo and Maggie bones in their stockings.  Each package had about 10 different flavors, and I wish I had video taped them "selecting" which one they wanted the first time I opened the package.  They both smelled each one and then picked one.  Love his tongue in this bottom one.

Jacob did this assignment right before Christmas break where he had to pick 4 people who "light up his life."  He picked me (yay!), Jon, Abby and Josh.  Then he had to write about each of us and why we light up his life.  I shrunk the picture and paragraph about Josh, laminated it and made it into a key chain for Jacob to give him for Christmas.  $1.50 project.  Woot woot.

 Jacob has been wanting some football gloves for a while.  I am not really sure why, because he isn't the quarterback, or a receiver.  But whatever.  Hallie got him some for Christmas, along with a red Under Armor shirt.

 Hallie opening her big gift.  Jacob's art teacher is extremely talented, and she makes and sells stuff on the side.  So I ordered 3 door hangers from her for Hallie:  they all have the initial B on them, and they are an easter egg, shamrock, and heart for those holidays.  They are all super cute, I should have taken pics of them.  But I was really nervous about it, because if she didn't like them, I couldn't exactly take them back.  But she did love them, and wants the rest of the holidays now  :)

I had this box from something, don't even remember what, and I wrapped up Hallie's door hangers in it.  Which is funny because her fave Christmas movie has always been "A Christmas Story"  (you remember- "FRA-GEE-LAY") and I didn't even think about it when I was wrapping it.

Jacob thinks he needs new shoes about every month.  And it's been about 3 since his last pair, so he was pretty excited to get these.

Morgan also got some new ones.

You can't see the box very well thanks to my expert photography skills, but this is a "slack line" from Michael (they came over to our house to open their gifts Christmas day).  Apparently these things are pretty popular in California.  People just carry their slack lines around with them and hook them up to stuff.  Basically a slack line is a slightly wider tight rope.  
Here it is in action:

I was able to make Jacob into a Fathead wall sticker using my Coke reward points. 

 His XBox is now in his room, here he is with his super cool earpiece, playing.  That punching bag was from Grammy also.
 His new tv hanging up, along with Alabama fathead stickers.

One more pic of Elfis, in the original jersey before he got a personalized one made with Jacob's number.

Old pic I found in my phone of Morgan going through the dress up stuff before her party.

Here are some other videos I took during Christmas:

Morgan opening her canvas I made her of pics from California:

Jacob waking up and seeing Santa first:

Mom being surprised by a dvd with old movies made by Brandon for us:

1 comment:

  1. Please tell me you are keeping a detailed list of Elfis ideas to send to me in a few years.

    the fathead with the Coke points!!!! What!! That is so cool.

    What is in the Grammy boxes?

    I want a pic of the Hallie things!

    LOVE his videos!

    Oh, that canvas is insane. Really. Your relationship with Morgan makes me so happy to think about mine with my nieces.

    Love all of this.

    And, YES we will take the lego thing!
