Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas...and all of December for that matter

This is Hallie's dog, Henri, who has always liked Jacob.  It's actually kind of strange actually, because he is NOT energetic at all, so you would think he would not like Jacob.  But he does, and Jacob loves that Henri will sit in his lap (because our two won't) and this just makes us want to get a third dog to try to make it really be Jacob's dog.  Gag.

Hallie and Henri came over to spend the night one night when we were supposed to have a huge ice storm, lose power, etc. and Josh was flying.  Nothing happened weather wise, but Jacob love having them spend the night.

Keith in a contest.  He ended up winning.

Jacob loves yellow crackers (Ritz to everyone else) and we didn't realize we were buying snowflake shaped ones.  He said, "I guess we shouldn't eat these..."  (you know, because they are yellow, and snow??)  haha.  Good sense of humor.

Every year I say I am not going to buy another kit to make a gingerbread house.  And yet every year I still do.  This year's was especially pitiful.  Oh well, there is always next time...Except that I AM NOT going to buy one.

I finally got Abby's cap and gown pic hung up.  Craziness.

Elfis showed up one day in a Broncos jersey and brought a pack of football cards for Jacob.

The boy.  Getting his own ice cream.  Sigh.

Jacob was going through his grade folder one afternoon announcing his grades:  "100, 95, OH! I got a Three Hundred Eighty Five B on this one!"

Jacob loves Lays chips and when I brought this home from Costco one day Jacob called it "a box full of deliciousness."

Christmas day.  Abby asleep.  Morgan's American Girl doll in a wheelchair.  You know, the usual.

Jacob got about 4 hours of sleep on Christmas eve and this happened pretty much as soon as we got into the car to go to Jon's mom's house Christmas day evening.

Opening up her canvas I made for her from pics from California.
 The pics are in the shape of an airplane bc it was her first time on a plane.

The pillow case I made my dad.

 Making cookies at Hallie's house.

I let them open an early gift, and it is always pjs.  Jacob also got a pillow shaped like a football, and Hallie's top is maternity :)

Everyone asleep at Hallie's.  Well, except for the blur in the background that is the 9 year old boy...
 Hallie cooking, with her belly bump, in her cute socks :)

 Some daddy love.

Opening her gift from Aunt Debbie and simultaneously fussing at me because she was with me when I bought it (told her it was for someone else).

Playing Jacob's new XBox game.  Morgan is stressed.

Kicking goal from Grammy and Grandfather

Matching initial headbands from Grammy
 Mom didn't get us these scarves but we wore them on Christmas Eve.  I had bought one for myself and liked it so much that I got Morgan one for her birthday.

 Jacob in his Seattle Seahawks hat from Uncle Mike and Alabama red Nike hoodie from Grammy

 Kicking the football with the help of a holder thingy.

 Elfis strung ribbon from one end of the living room to the other to say goodbye to Jacob on Christmas Eve.  Incidentally, Jacob sneaked downstairs and saw all this at 11:30 that night.  Thank goodness he did not notice that the stockings were missing because Santa had brought them upstairs to fill and had dumped the cookies and milk out all BEFORE actually unloading any presents...I can only imagine the meltdown that would have occurred right then, in the middle of the night. Ugh

One of our fellow Sonic managers spent Christmas in the hospital and we made her a tree for her room.

Mom holding the pillow I made her.

Morgan making me a bracelet on her loom.

 Jacob made this for me in school.  LOVE IT

 So apparently every year around this time, Jupiter and Saturn line up so that they look like a really bright star.  Looks like the star of Bethlehem :)

Elfis made a zipline across the living room one day.

Our nephew Conrad at our work Christmas party.  I did dirty Santa this year and that hat was one of the gifts-when you push the button it sings and wiggles back and forth.

This is Jamal, I call him Barney because he is huge, lovable, and wears a purple jacket ALL.THE.TIME.  He won a santa headband and a $20 Sephora gift card.  Hilarious.
 This shows how big he is.  Oh and on the right is our assistant Roman.  They are both large people.  Especially compared to Jon.

Baby bump pics!

Hard to tell but Peyton Manning is on the tv, and Jacob is of course wearing his jersey :)

 Football pics!

Jacob used to have all the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books.  But then a lady that mom works with asked if he would sell them and he did.  Then he regretted it.  So I hunted all over for used copies because I was determined to NOT spend a fortune on new ones (even though I probably spent that much in time and gas still).  And then I let Elfis bring them back to him.  Love him reading.

Chilling out in his room.


  1. I think you captured the month of December very well. :) Love to see these pics all together -

  2. Fun times... Great gifts. Miss everyone
