Saturday, September 14, 2013

Highschool Football Game!

The Collierville Rec teams were invited to participate in the highschool football game, and
JACOB WAS PUMPED.   He talked about it all week long.  All we were told was to be there by 6:30, and they would get to "participate on the field before the game."  So there was a whole mystery to it.

Walking to the game.  It's pretty awesome living less than 10 minutes walking distance from the field (which is located behind his elementary school because when it was first built it was the high school). 

Jacob is sitting on the top row, 3rd from the right.

Jacob's friend from school, Alex.  He is on the Ravens.  He is also famous in our house from XBox fights/play/obsession.  Jon calls him our long lost son because he just finally actually came over to our house recently, even though we feel like he is in our house everyday...

So far it is all looking good for moms obsessed with taking pics.  That is the tunnel the high school players will run out of, the high school players are behind the tunnel, and the rec kids are standing beside it.  Jacob is the last orange shirt on the right.

And then this happened....they lined the cheerleaders up for the players to run through after the tunnel, then the little ones right after the cheerleaders to form a longer "tunnel"....

...then the band came out on the field right smack in front of everything.  What?  Who planned that???

Oh well...

We still had fun.  Well, at first Jacob was the only one having fun because I turned to talk to another mom for 30 seconds only to turn around and find the kids all playing OUTSIDE of the gates we just paid to go INSIDE of.  Fabulous.

We finally talked them into sitting down.

My little Bronco :)

Standing at the top, and slowly inching their way into the student section...

This happened another night, but you know, 2 for 1 blog post and all that...
A couple of moms and I are taking turns making the banner for the boys to tear through.  Last year the cheerleaders always made it, but it turns out this year they only had enough cheerleaders sign up to have them cheer at the first games of the night.  So we will only get them a couple times this season :(   
This night it was my turn to make it.  And then Abby and I got to hold it!

The coach giving a pep talk before they ran out.  I will have to record this sometime.  It's pretty cute.

Tearing through the sign!

The remnants.

After practice play one night :)


  1. That was a fun night. You didn't tell me all that happened. Happy he is having fun on the football field; terrified he will get hurt. Sigh XXXXX

  2. I have been waiting on this post! I didn't know it was up!

    First, I am intrigued by this whole situation of playing X-box together. So, can you hear Alex's voice? Or, is that why Jacob wears headphones? So, you just hear Jacob talking? If I ever have a boy, I am going to need a huge binder with divider tabs and notes and highlighted pages, please.

    The boys inching toward the student section. Stop. It is too much. That makes me happy and sad all at once. It does suck when they grow up, I guess. :(

    I CAN'T SEE THE YOUTUBE VIDEOS!!!!!!! Tragedy. Send me the links, please.

    I am going to need a video of the pep talk. But, don't make it private!

    Jacob football posts are my favorite.

  3. Fun times. He is growing to fast
