Friday, September 6, 2013

Football!! The first few are a scrimmage.

Jacob is in all white, right in the middle of the screen, to the left of the kid in black.

He's in there somewhere...but the real reason I took this was because the coach had brought these weird helmet/hair net things for our team to wear to distinguish them from the other team.  Very odd.

First game!!

They take turns being "team captain," which really just amounts to being the ones to go out on the field at the beginning of the game and call heads/tails.  Jacob was one of them for the first game :)

Orange laces :)

So the coach sent out an email asking someone to be responsible for filling and bringing the water bottles to the games.  Of course I volunteered.  He wrote back, "wow, that was quick."  Yes, I am that mom...

His coach gives out stickers for good plays.  Everyone got the football for the first win, and everyone got the first horseshoe for a start-up.  The second one Jacob got for "best offensive player" from the first game!! 

The boy can eat a 12 count nugget meal now.  And apparently isn't too worried about eating with gear on...

Jacob used birthday money to buy a new headset to talk to friends on the Xbox...

 ...a Halo Encyclopedia, a "cool" water bottle, a 3rd controller for the Xbox (bc you can have up to 4 people playing at once, duh), new shoes, and a goofy foam pic-axe toy that is from one of the video games he is obsessed with.  Oh, and a Denver Broncos key chain to hang from his backpack.

Birthday dinner was steak, rice, and bread.  No veggies, and he got to eat while playing video games.

The walk-to-school crew:  (from the left) Jacob, Julian, Jocelyn, Ashley.  Ashley, by the way, is my future daughter in law.  But she and Jacob don't know it yet.

Morgie Porgie got glasses!!

My mom came over one day and randomly brought socks for Jacob.  Truly awesome.

Looking at his Halo Encyclopedia.

Playing football before school one morning.  Awesomeness.

Swimming with Morgan on Labor Day.

This is Josh.  He went away to college.  But a few days before he left he came over to me and we had this conversation-
Josh:  Hey, Shae, you know those cupcakes you get for people for their birthdays? Where do you get them?
Me:  Usually at Gigi's...
Josh:  They sure are good...
Me:  Yea...   (??)
Josh:  You know my last day is Friday...
Me:  Yea...   (??)
Josh:  And my birthday is in November...
ahhhhhhh. Now I see where this is going   :)

All of our employees who went away to college.  Actually 2 of them went away last year, and come back for summer and Christmas breaks.

So we are constantly without pens.  Even though we need a pen OFTEN.  I, being an organized woman, have several in my apron (along with Sharpies and counterfeit pens).  But the other (male) managers never do, and always ask for mine, which means I have to hunt them down later.  I buy pens, but they just disappear.  One day in Office Depot, I spot these little beauties-they attach to your belt loop and the pen pulls out from it with a detractable cord.   I bought one for everyone, except Nelly.  She only works part time for us, so I am always forgetting about her when it comes to stuff like this.  So of course I went out and got her one :)

Apparently one day last week was declared "Official Walk Out" day for fast food employees.  Who declared this, I don't know.  But I do know we were told by our boss that we couldn't fire anyone who decided to take part in this ridiculousness.  None of our employees walked out-never mind that half of them didn't know about it, and the half that did know didn't realize they couldn't be fired.  Whatever.  Any excuse for me to buy cupcakes is good enough for me.

Corey is the girl with the glasses in the pic above.  She is just the sweetest little thing.  She got married last year but hadn't ever gotten her ss card and license changed.  She finally did, which meant a change in paperwork.  So we officially changed her file.  She was so excited.

On parent night at school, Jon had to work.  I was able to find a friend for Jacob to hang out with so he didn't have to sit in the hallway.  Ian is on the left, and that is his little brother on the right.

Jacob wanted to do a fantasy football league this year so Michael set one up for him.  Jon, Josh, Hallie, Michael, our nephew in California-Tim, and Jacob are in it.  Jacob took the draft very seriously and is totally pumped.

Jacob did a lot of smack talking during the draft.  In fact, that is exactly what he is doing/typing in the pic above.  And it was mostly directed to Michael.  So Michael named his team accordingly:

This is the video of him telling me who is on his team.  At the very end he says, "Yea, and I'm gunna kick your butt, Uncle Mike."

An employee's mom went to a food auction (?) and bought a bunch of these.  It was just one giant Rice Krsipie Treat.  What.


  1. I loved this post but it was also so sad. I can remember when I bought him his first ball & we played with it while he was sitting in his walker. That was the first time I heard him laugh so hard, he almost lost his breath. I wish he still lived across the street, I miss seeing him waiting for me when I come home from work.

  2. Every though I have is replaced by a new thought as soon as I see the next picture. And, they were all erased when I read your mom's comment. Now, I am just depressed. Thanks, Aunt Paula.

    I think my favorite part, and it was HARD to pick just one favorite part, is: "He wrote back, "wow, that was quick." Yes, I am that mom..."

    I LOVE FOOTBALL SEASON FOR JACOB!! It makes me so excited.

    A few things:
    1. Future daughter in law Ashley is adorable (from the back). How fun is a future daughter in law? I am not as excited about son in laws. they don't seem as cool.

    2. You are the best boss. I just love you and Jon for being the best employers. Ever. The cupcakes and step-child pen were hilarious and precious and fun. A walk-out day is crazy, and WHY could they not be fired?!?!

    3. I love the pic of him dressed and ready for the first game.

    4. Best offensive player!!!!

    5. Morgan is so cute in glasses!

    6. 12 nuggets. Wow.

    7. What the hell is a food auction, and why have I never been to one?

  3. I agree with you, Nicole.

    Way to be a downer, Aunt Paula.

    I want to work for you again, please. My favorite is the strawberry one at GiGi's. Thanks.

    Because glasses rock, everyone has to get them now.

    FOOD AUCTION sounds like our next family reunion.

    Of course you are in charge of the water (and the sign making)

    12 piece nuggets sounds expensive. Sigh.

    He is so official as a football player.
