Wednesday, October 24, 2012

 We got this a couple years ago from dear ol' Aunt Debbie, but Jacob wasn't really interested in it yet.  He just used it to build Lego creations on...So we put it in the attic so it wouldn't get messed up. Well he recently has been begging for me to get it out of the attic AND to put it in his room. Because his room is so big. Because his room has so much extra space, what with taking the bunk bed apart and making it into 2 double beds...

I know. The cutest dog picture ever. This is Maggie coming home from her hernia operation (because we have so much money we like to spread it around and get hernia operations for adopted shelter dogs).  This is her blanket. Seriously.  It is this huge fluffy blanket Mom bought for me for Christmas one year that Maggie has taken over.  We call it "The Fluff."  Sometimes she spends the whole entire day on this thing-never moves. Anyway, when I went to pick her up from the operation, she was FREAKING OUT.  Apparently the whole thing just made her previous abusive life flash before her eyes.  The doctor used a towel to try and calm her down, stating that "sometimes dogs are comforted by something wrapped over them." A towel?!?!  Not in this house. We have The Fluff. And yes I had brought it with me to get her :)

My brother. Who apparently is being domesticated by a girl. I know. It's consanctuary (see "a new-word-brought-to-you-from-jacob").  Anyway, I had to include these pics so that one day, if Keith tries to deny they happened, I will have proof. 

This is of course a more accurate picture of the Keith we all know and love.  When his gf asks him to put his bag of dirty clothes in the laundry basket, she finds them under the sink. 

An old employee of ours is getting her first house through Habitat for Humanity. It's a program that builds houses for qualified low income people for a fraction of the cost of what it would take to buy a "typical" house.  In return, the buyer has to put in 350 hours of "sweat equity," 105 of which can be donated by friends and family.  She and they can do those by working on the house or volunteering at another non-profit organization.  So Jacob and I have done a couple small things, my hours I volunteer at the school count (I do copies and help in the library every Tuesday), and Jon and I went to work on the house.  This girl worked for us starting at age 16, till about 19, and then off and on the next several years (she is 29 now).  Again, consanctuary.  (Melissa and Nicole, did y'all work with her? Marquita? We just called her Quita...)

 Above, Jon caught me digging in my apron for my phone. Below, proof that I worked.

Anyone who knows Jon will not be surprised to hear that it didn't take long for him to take over the whole thing.  At one point Quita and I were talking about that, and he walked over after hearing us and said, "I am not."  And right then an actual worker, not a volunteer, but an actual worker, came over and asked him a question. 

Here he is on the roof, NOT telling the actual roof guy down below what to do next...

The "Phillips Family" on the sign refers to Quita's family-her last name is Phillips- not us. She always tells people we are related.

One day I was digging through old pics for some reason and found the pic on the right of Abby (from Maywood we think?? We don't remember ever taking her to the beach...)  I knew I had one of Jacob from a recent trip.

And for your viewing pleasure, a recent video sent to me from The Boy one night while he was supposed to be sleeping (I'm sure it was too late for an 8 year old to be awake, but he was clearly leaving me alone so who cares).


  1. AGh! It just kept getting better. I can't even remember everything I wanted to say.

    I DO think we worked with her!!! That is AWESOME! I love the worker asking Jon a question and you digging for your phone. Haha.

    I was cracking up about having so much money that you just spread it around to shelter dog surgeries. Haha!

    Keith! Being domesticated!! Proof!

    And, of course...the video of Jacob is TOO MUCH. He is so funny. I will probably randomly think about it all day long and start laughing.

  2. I liked it all too.. I like the random post of 'life' in general. I want to meet this girl who has roped Keith in. :) Maggie is precious. Is that a hotel blanket?
    The relationship you have with your employee's is awesome.. I love it.

  3. I keep cracking up at the pic of you digging for your cell phone. That is my favorite. Also, maggie...precious!

    The video- HA HA!!
