Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bunch o'stuff

Jacob is having quite a good school year. Socially, anyway. We have a little Nerf war group going on in the morning before school.  Funniest thing about it is that it started because the house everyone meets at is the house of two sisters who asked for the Nerf guns for Christmas so they could shoot each other. I thought that was good stuff.

 That's Jacob in black.

 A letter came in the mail from Aunt Debbie for Jacob. I gave it to him and he said, "I bet it's money." I said, "No, why would she randomly send you money?" And of course it was money. $5 and this note. Again, these deprived children in our family really suffer from lack of love...

I was sick one night and Jacob slipped this under the door. Very sweet.

One of the parents in Jacob's football team bought these football black stick-on things for the kids. I was totally excited because a couple weeks ago, when he was getting dressed for team pics, he asked me if I would draw these on his face with a black marker for the pics. Of course I wouldn't, so he went to the craft box and grabbed some black construction paper. I guess he was going to tape them on??? Anyway, when a dad showed up with these legit ones, I just knew Jacob was going to flip. Guess what? He wore them for about 2 seconds and took them off. That would be why he isn't in the pic...

 Soon to be brothers (in-law) Josh and Jacob :)

 So apparently each week when they have a game, coach chooses two kids who have done really well in practice to be the ones who go out to shake hands and flip the coin. I always wondered how they got picked...Anyway, Jacob was picked last week!! He was so excited :)

Team pics ;)

Last week Jacob's school had a "Dragon Dash" to raise money. I didn't go watch because I just decided to be lazy at home with Jon (he was randomly off).  Guess what-Jacob came in 2nd place out of all the 2nd grade kids. Of course he did.


  1. Shut up. Morning Nerf games just made me so happy. Awesome childhood.

    All of that track paid off! Go Jacob, go!

  2. way to go, Jacob!! Love the Nerf wars, too

  3. Love the football picture - going to make that one for daddy. My baby boy is growing up xxoo
