Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Chicken Dragon??

One of Jacob's jobs is to take the garbage can down to the street and back for pick up.  The garbage can has to face a certain way so the mechanical truck arm thing can pick it up and dump it.  When we moved in, this garbage can was already here with this sticker on it.  I never payed close attention to it, just assumed it was a dragon because Collierville sports teams are the dragons (plus it looks like a dragon at first glance).  However, as you can see, it is not a dragon.  When I was teaching Jacob which direction to face the can, I told him, "the dragon should be looking at the house."  He said, "You mean the chicken."  I said, "No, the dragon." Then we both looked at it and realized it is a chicken dragon. What the heck. Anyway, he can remember to make sure the chicken dragon is looking at the house, so all is well.

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