Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Football, Fair, & (As Always) Misc.

Sorry, there will be a lot of football pics on here for a's just so fun!! Last night's game was the first official game and I was really nervous for two reasons:  1. We were playing a team that we lost to in a practice scrimmage-they are quite serious, apparently have the most serious 7-8 year old team coach EVER, and also have a kid who is almost as tall as Abby on their team. So their strategy is for him to basically just stand there, right in the center while kids from the opposing team swarm around him trying to knock him down, and he watches for the ball. Once he spots it (which is done pretty quickly because of his height) he heads toward it and tackles the player carrying it. Yea. Michael was calling shenanigans all night long (referring to his height and supposed age).  2. The team we played in the Jamboree this past weekend was, well, bad. Poor things. We beat them 28-0. So I was afraid our team was going to go in with a false sense of security. They did. We scored NOTHING the first half. Were down 16-0. Barely gained a yard because of Giant Kid. So during half time, our coach gave a pep talk like only he can: "If you guys don't score at least once, I'm going to make you run the entire hour and half at practice on Thursday!"  Well, it worked!! The other team didn't score at all the 2nd half and we scored twice!! We missed both attempts at the extra 2 points, so we still lost 16-12, but it was very exciting. And the kids really felt good about themselves for coming back. AND JACOB!! He is a tackling machine. He said in the beginning of this whole experience, "All I want to do is tackle."  And the boy knew. He is not good at passing, catching, or running the ball. But he is good at tackling. I have always said it is good to be self-aware. Makes life less stressful. Anyway, coach put him in front of Giant Kid for the 2nd half, and Giant Kid was stopped in his tracks on several occasions!! Oh, we were freaking out.

So each team has cheerleaders, and of course ours are the most awesome!!  They made this banner and our guys ran through it!! Love it.

That's him on top of the tackle.

On top again.

He is in the line, third from right if you count the guy standing. At this point he is in front of Giant Kid. I wish we had gotten a pic of how tall that kid is...

Morgan grabbed Jake's helmet and put it on. So of course Jacob grabbed the facemask and tried to hurt her. Naturally... (Note how GROSS Jacob is)
 After he hurt her he posed. So sweet...

This is just a pic from practice. Jacob is the one in the middle looking toward us. Just so cute.

Jacob was invited to go to the fair with a friend (the friend is behind him). Which is good because we probably would not have taken him because it is SO HOT this week. Gag. Even better for me, the friend who invited him was going with his dad, so it would have been weird for me to Jon went. AWESOME.

Jacob drew this at school. How freaking adorable.

Jacob's first project of the year was to do a poster on the planet of his choice, draw or print out a pic of the planet, decorate the poster, and WRITE four facts about the planet.  Jacob picked Jupiter, which was great because it is a nice swirly-looking planet.  So Jacob painted Jupiter (with guidance, of course).  Then HE picked which facts he liked best from a website we found (his fave was that in an old myth Jupiter's dad was Saturn, and his brothers were Neptune and Pluto.  Fun).  Then HE decorated with all the stickers. Two things about this-First: he was not with me when I bought the supplies for the poster. I just decided, why? Why put myself through that?? He would have been like, "sure, whatever" everytime I asked if he liked something, and then he would have inundated me with "how much longer????"  While I was shopping though, I totally thought of Nicole and Lily, and how much they will enjoy shopping for project supplies in the future :)  Second: HE DID ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING ON THE POSTER. I saw a lot of posters on the walk to school that morning, and I saw a lot of printed out pics and printed out facts (even though the directions specifically said to WRITE out the facts). I did not see everyone's grade. But those printed out people better not have gotten perfect scores like my baby did...


  1. I do like being self aware.

    He is a tackling machine!!!

    Very impressed with the jupiter poster. I would not give the other kids high grades if they did not follow the directions.

    Anderson will never be interested in art/school supplies.

  2. While I am very impressed with his tackling skills, we knew he had been practicing on Morgan for years. I wish I could see him play. Tell him we are so proud of him.

  3. Totally agree with the self awareness! and GO JACOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    His poster is AMAZING! Bella, who is obsessed with projects and space, said, "Wow! That's so realistic!" He should get the highest grade just based on the amazingness of his Jupiter painting. Bonus points for following directions! And we are totally copying this idea-we are studying space this year for science.

    1. Tell Bella that her opinion means the world. haha. get it, the world?? hahahahaha. yea i'm a dork...
