Monday, September 24, 2012


This was Abby's 11th grade homecoming dance! Gasp. Jacob asked if she was getting married. haha. Here are the pics:
Hallie always does her hair and makeup.

Jacob looking thrilled.

Abby's best friend since 7th grade, Lauren. Yes, her dress does make her look like Tinkerbell. But it totally reflects her goofy personality.

Abby's friend Payton. They are not bf/gf. Just friends. She was actually close to becoming that with his best friend over the summer, but that guy totally strung her along. He decided to get back together with his ex one night while Abby was at work. They went to the fair together, where everyone and their grandmother saw them and texted Abby at work to tell her. And it was 2 weeks before homecoming.  And she had already asked him to go and he had said yes. And she had already bought the dress. Yea. It was really crappy. But this guy, Payton, is a sweetie and totally stepped up for Abby :)

I have no idea why Hallie was kissing her so low on the face...


This is the only pic I got of Abby dressed up during Homecoming week because she never takes any pics. I have to pilfer them from other people's FB pages...sadness for me. 

1 comment:

  1. The girls are gorgeous! And I love Jacob in the pictures! Haha!! As fun as I am sure the dance was.... The exhaustion I felt at imagining getting dressed up with my hair AND makeup fixed made me so happy to be a grown up and not a teenager. Add in the fair/ ex- boyfriend drama, and I will gladly take adulthood over teenager-hood any day.

    This was fun to see pics of though!
