Saturday, January 28, 2012

Anther Example of How Awesome Our Employees Are

As I have mentioned, Jon's fave football team is the Steelers, and that has translated into Jacob's fave team. So imagine my delight (and slight confusion) when one day at work, I see a FIRE TRUCK in the parking lot next door that was repainted in the Steeler's theme (you see where confusion sets in, right?). So, I grab my phone and run out the door to take a pic. Where upon the truck starts to drive away. So I chase it. Now, before you picture me running down Winchester, I must set the scene and allay your fears. Our Winchester store is set within a sort of shopping strip area, so a small side street runs in front of it, between the store and Winchester. So, back to me, out-of-shape-and-almost-40, running. The truck isn't going fast, and as I said, we are in a sort of strip where there aren't that many places it could go, being a huge fire truck and all. So I just knew I was going to catch it. Oh, one more thing, I was wearing my lovely-made-for-slick-floors-but-not-for-running-restaurant-safe-clogs. But, alas, the truck turned at the end of the strip and started going around the back. At this point, I have two choices: I can cut through to the back and try and catch it there, or turn back around and hope it goes back in that direction. Guess what? I chose the opposite direction the truck took. But not before running my out-of-shape-almost-40 body in my lovely-made-for-slick-floors-but-not-for-running-restaurant-safe-clogs back in the direction of where I started, SONIC. Out of breath and disappointed, I went back into the store, put my phone back in my bag, and struggled to regain composure. Only to see THE STUPID TRUCK TURN RIGHT ONTO WINCHESTER, WHICH TAKES HIM BACK TO DRIVING PAST OUR STORE. Take note: I could have just stayed where I was, and gotten a pic. So of course, everyone was laughing at me. NOT giving me mouth-to-mouth, which is what I needed. Anyway, a few days later, I get a notification ding on my phone, check it out, and it is this fabulous pic of the truck!! Taken by a carhop who wasn't even there for the event!!! I am so loved. Or so laughed at behind my back. Not sure which. But, who cares! This pic is now our desktop background on our computer!

And, for posterity's sake, the apocalypse pic:


  1. Hahahaha!

    I love the story of you running in the clogs! That is awesome.

    What did she do with the awesome picture? Did y'all get rid of it? I hope not!
