Monday, January 2, 2012


I had a great birthday this year! So my coworkers sent Jon a text the night before and asked him to make sure I went up there the next day around 11. Here is what awaited me: a dozen cupcakes from GiGi's, flowers, a balloon, AND a $50 gc to Barnes and Noble AND a $50 gc to Carraba's restaurant!!! I couldn't believe it. It really made me feel so loved. It was so sweet of them. Oh, and a giant card they all signed that played the chicken dance music! ;)

This is Sandy, she gave me the earrings that are lower in the post. She is Mexican. We call her "Ardilla" which is Spanish for squirrel. We call her this bc she has the same name as Sandy, the squirrel in Spongebob ;)

Clapping because my fave cupcake is in here: it's called the TopHat. It is a chocolate cupcake, with vanilla frosting, and FUDGE on top. yummmmmmm

I just found the gift cards. I look horrible. I really just assumed they were giving me a card and maybe some cheapo Kroger cupcakes. I wore no make up and sweats. Anyway, I had just found the gift cards, they were stuffed inside the flowers. First, I yelled at them. Naturally. Because they had spent so much!!! But then I cried. :)
 I had not seen the gift cards yet, so Debra, the one standing there, pointed them out. She couldn't wait on my slow self anymore.
 Me and Debra

The earrings Sandy gave me (I'm really good at putting these pics in order ;)

Roses Jon gave me. LOVE ROSES. When I smell them, I don't exactly smell them. I smoosh my nose into them so I can smell them AND feel their softness. LOVE IT.

I don't ever have my pic taken of just me, it just isn't something I do. But all the girls at work made me promise to when we went out to eat that night. I think they just wanted to see my in something other than Sonic clothes and sweats...anyway, this pic actually isn't that bad. So there ya go.


  1. So awesome.

    My favorite part is when you yelled at them (Naturally). You are freaking so awesome as a boss. They are some awesome co-workers! I love that you documented this here. look super hot in the last pic! Whoo hoo!

  2. That is so sweet!! I do love a fancy cupcake. And, I love that you call her the squirrel. Ha. And, you look so great for dinner-especially love the baby gate by the door...
