Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Nicknames (and their origins)

Isn't it funny how some nicknames just pop out of your mouth? When Abby was little, I called her "Little Girl." And it stuck with Jon, he still calls her that sometimes. We would say, "Hey, Little Girl, go mow the grass." Well, maybe not that. But it just popped out one day. I call Morgan-Morgie Porgie (because Grandma couldn't say Morgan for whatever reason and called her Morgie. Just like I was "Shanna" and Keith was "Keit" to her. Ol' Grandma :). If you are interested, I also have a little song that has spun off from her "Morgie" nickname:  Morgie Porgie, Puddin' Pie, Kissed the Boys and Made Them Cry (you get the idea, it goes along with the Georgie Porgie rhyme). I also call her Woman, as in "Hey Woman, who's your favorite aunt??" and "Woman, what are you getting your favorite aunt for her birthday??" Some days she is feeling spunky and calls me Woman. But mostly it is "Ant Shay."  

This is the only pic I could find that had Grandma and "Morgie" in it. What the heck!? I hope Mom has some...

"Woman, what are you wearing?" See how it fits???

Little Girl.

Jacob, however, has many nicknames. I am not really sure why he has so many. But they all just fit...

1.  Poo - I mostly called him this when he was a baby. I remember at his first birthday party, which was attended by lots of family and friends, I asked, "Where's my Poo?" and our old neighbor overheard me, and made fun of me. Oh well. Recently, Jacob went on his first sleepover at a friend's house, and I said to Jon, "I miss my Poo." So apparently it hasn't completely died out.

I mean, that is a Poo if I ever saw one.

2.  Fred - There is some debate about how this name came about, but I think it is because I called him Fred Flinstone, because of his fat feet when he was a baby/toddler.  They were so WIDE. And then, somewhere along the way, Hallie shortened it to just Fred. But Hallie says she gave him the nickname. But however it originated, she stills calls him that quite often.

Hallie and Fred. 

3.  Jaybob or Bob - When he was learning to talk and trying to say his own name, it came out like "Jaypub," then morphed into "Jaybob."  So we started calling him Jaybob, Bob for short. Now, Jon and I still call him Bob quite often, while Abby calls him Jaybob alot.

Abby and Jaybob.

4.  Buster - This is short for Buster Brown. Jon calls him this the most, but I think I started it. It just came out of my mouth one day, kept coming out, and because I am lazy, got shortened to Buster. Because he is a Buster. Duh.
 Daddy and Buster.

5.  The Boy - We have started calling him this during the last couple of years. Examples of correct usage: "Where is The Boy?"  "That looks like something The Boy would like." "The Boy wants to go to McDonald's." You get the idea.
 The Boy at his first Karate Tournament.

6.  Child - This one is usually said when I am annoyed or angry.  As in, "Child. You are driving me crazy."  Jacob thinks it is funny. Sometimes, when I am angry and don't call him Child, he will remind me: "Moma, you forgot to say Child."  He is so helpful.
 This would be a "Child, you are going to take a nap" kind of moment where he was refusing but then fell asleep with his arms folded in defiance.

The amazing thing is, Jacob answers to all of these names. He doesn't give it a second thought. It's funny, and disturbing all at the same time. Disturbing in that I add it to my list of motherly worries: "Will this cause him to have multiple personalities??"  You know, because there aren't enough things to worry about...  What I find the most interesting is that none of us ever call him Jake...figure that one out  ;)


  1. I love them all! I think Poo is my favorite, though. And, I do love some Nanny names.

    Even weirder, I call Anderson "Fred"! All of the time. I love it!

  2. I love the fun nicknames and the old pictures. THe story of Morgie is always fun to hear. Nanny (grandma) had a name for everyone. Uncle Bubba being Bubble was always one of my favorite.

  3. This was my favorite post. Hilarious, sweet, and informative.

    I mean, that is a poo if I ever saw one!
    The Boy wants McDonalds.

    I love that you write exactly how you talk! I feel like we are hanging out, talking.

    Love Nanny's Keit as well.

    Your blog is the best.

  4. I call him jakes or jakie sometimes because Jacob seems so long and formal. You are right he answers to all of the above.
