Thursday, June 29, 2017

 Jacob is still good friends with Julian and Beau.  We've know Julian since Kindergarten and Beau since 2nd grade.  One day they both wanted to come over (they just text me and ask me to pick them up, often Jacob doesn't even know they are doing it) but we were going to visit Jacob's grandmother.  They both said they wanted to come with us.  

 Mav at a birthday party where they had a petting farm.

 My mom sent me this box of chocolate covered strawberries to work for Mother's day.  When I first saw it I thought it was from Jon and I was mad because I had bought myself something else already and  I thought this cost too much.  (Darn Garzoli miserly blood flowing through me).  But when I realized it was from my mom I was happy.

 Our church did a series called "7,000 days," which is a way of saying parents only have 7,000 days from birth to college to make a difference in their children's lives.  While a lovely thought, I can only think of is this fantastic blog:

 I think this was Easter.  So, we all teach a Sunday School class and are given that Adventure Awaits t-shirts to wear.  As you can see, Josh embraces it as his every-Sunday-church-unofficial-uniform.  As do I.  Don't have to tell me twice to wear a t-shirt to church.

 Jon found a baby bird that had fallen from its nest.  He fed it for days until it was able to fly away.

 Left:  Jacob's breakfast (he hates breakfast foods).  Right:  mine and Jon's breakfast (normal people food).

 Hallie's neighbors have 3 girls. This one is Holly and is the same age as Mav.  They are BFFs clearly.

 Lucy went from being so tiny she was in the 3rd percentile to the 75th percentile so quickly the diapers I had didn't fit anymore and I hadn't bought new ones yet.  One day Hallie dropped her off but forgot to leave the diaper bad.  Luckily I had a few of Mav's old diapers left.  It was a little big, but worked.

 Jacob's foot started hurting in 5th grade and carried on into 6th.  He didn't complain about it much so I didn't realize it was still hurting.  We took him to the doctor finally and found out it was literally severe growing pains.  I still have Plantar Fasciitis so my foot hurts whenever I don't wear "good" shoes.  So, we ice our feet together.

 Oh, the fidget spinner craze is alive and well.  This is just one of the many Jacob has.  And it lights up.

 One day I found a fork in my purse.  I don't know.

 Jacob and Teagan, both age 12, built a fort one night and slept in it.  

 I found this magnet I made Abby when she left for college.  She used to take a hot pocket to lunch everyday but I never prepacked it.  Instead, I left a note clipped to her lunch bag so she would remember to grab it in the morning. After she graduated from highschool I took a pic and made a magnet.

 Jacob and Teagan at Get Air, a trampoline park.

 One of Jacob's closest friends this year is a girl named Hailey.  On her birthday we got her a gift card and some candy, and I had to force him to let my put it in a gift bag.  He didn't understand why we couldn't just hand it to her in the Kroger bag.

 On St. Patrick's day Jacob and I had to go to Barnes and Noble and of course that meant we had to stop at the Starbucks inside.  They were giving free samples of a green tea frappaccino, which sounded and looked gross, but was DELICIOUS.

 What started out as a joke turned into pure genius.  Hallie mentioned Lucy only stopped crying when Hallie was looking directly at her.  It wasn't enough that she was right next to her, she had to be looking at her.  I told her, laughing, that I was going to get one of those science project boards and put pics on it.  So I actually did, and it totally worked.  We call it the Hallie Shrine because after I made it, I put it on the kitchen table.  Jacob walked past it and asked, "what's up with the Hallie Shrine?"

 One day our air conditioner broke and was down for a week.  We have a window unit in the window of Maverick's room.  So Jacob took up residence in there.

 We had a portable air unit that we hadn't used in years.  We pulled it out and it leaked all over the carpet.  At first, we thought we could just pull up the carpet and point fans at it to dry, but it didn't work.  So we decided to pull it up and stain the concrete.  More pics on that to come.

 One of my neighbors is also an assistant at the school too.  One day a few months prior she had brought me a bottle of wine she had won at trivia night that she didn't like.  That same day Jacob was sick, and when he heard her voice, he asked me, "Was that Mrs. Hope bringing me cookies?"  As if her whole priority list was wrapped up in his well being.  When the whole carpet/air situation was going on I posted on FB that I was going to need more wine, as a joke. She came over that night with wine, and cookies for Jake.

Also, during that same week, we had a leak.  The plumber fixed that, but of course repairing the wall is not his job.  So Jon fixed that. Jon's truck was also in the shop for 4 days during all this, so I was stuck at home while he took my car to work.  I was stir crazy, hot, and losing my mind over the messy house.

 Beau and Jacob.  Future blackmail photo.

 Lucy loves Jacob

 Jacob was "playing" with Mav in his room...

 Jacob had been growing his hair out for a while, then one morning he woke up and decided he wanted it cut. I was so glad.

 A pre-teen boy's guide to driving his mom crazy...

 We moved Jon's mom into an assisted living place.  While cleaning out her apartment, I found this locket with Jon's pic in it.

 I labeled every drawer, cabinet, and basket in her new place so she would know where we put everything.

 One night she dressed up in a dress and socks (?)for dinner.  

 Moving her into the new place

 Each room has a little place to personalize

 The shrine is so versatile!

 A summer league he played it.

 So. Sick. Of. The. Dog. Hair.

 Using my gift card at Micco's with Jacob and Teagan.

 New glasses haha

 Time for new socks.  Ewww

 Truly the only was I am getting through these years with Jacob.  Luckily, Jacob has to be at school about 45 minutes before I do, so it gives me time to sit in the parking lot and read. 

 Jacob asked for a shoe shelf for his closet. 

 Despite there being a couch and a loveseat to also sit in, Jacob, Julian, and Teagan crowded onto this one chair to watch something.

 The slime making phase was also alive and well this year.

The Dab, flipping water bottles, slime, fidget spinners. yep.

 This was my Cherry Limeade.  He said, "This is so much good!"

 Best part of teaching Sunday school is when kids from regular school show up in my room. The top two are actually the daughters of Jacob's math tutor. They don't normally go to our church, the girls had spend the night with a friend who does.  I sent him this pic and said, "I get to return the favor by teaching your kids for once."

 Waiting in the waiting room at the vet, Maggie thought she was going to death.

We take Jacob to a personal trainer for basketball.  Here he is with a 25 pound vest on.  It was pretty brutal.

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