Saturday, April 23, 2016

 Jon loves taking Jacob and his friends bike riding along the Wolf River.  The city has actually made it a "conservancy" and made bike paths.  It's pretty cool.

 This is with Tristan.

 They got sooooo dirty.  There is a layer of grime.

 I had to make them hose off outside before coming in to take showers.

 Jacob's school does a field trip every year for the 5th graders to a place called JA Biz Town.  I think the JA stands for Junior Achievement??  Anyway, they have jobs, get paid, and then have to use their money to buy stuff and pay bills.  Somehow Jacob got Manager of a hardware store.  He wasn't very excited about it.  Shout out to the two mamas who took these pics for me because I was passing a kidney stone that day.  So everyone had a good time that day. Not.

 Blowing bubbles with the Roo.

 Josh was blowing the bubbles and Jacob was running back and forth catching them.  It was truly dinner theater for the Roo.

 Eating a burger.  Because that's what Roos do.

 Easter.  We started going to Hallie's and Josh's church after they moved out here, and we go to the 1st hour.  And then Hallie signed up to teach a 2nd grade Sunday School class during the 2nd hour.  So I get to take Roo home most Sundays because almost 3 hours stuck in a nursery is a bit much.  It's a sacrifice, but I fight through it ;)

 Jacob's current obsession:  Basketball.  He puts Mav's toy goal on the table and shoot with it.  When he isn't doing that or outside shooting, he's in his room using the door hanging goal.  It's just great.  Really, really great.  

The school has a bulletin board with newspaper clippings of things that happen at the school and news about students.  I didn't even know this was in the paper back toward the beginning of the school year when the Grizz came to the school.  But there is my baby's big ol' head! He's famous.

 This is Kristie and Nikkie, mom and sister of Jacob's good friend Michael.  They came in one morning (we walk to school together) wearing the same sweatshirt.  When I commented on it, they were surprised.  They hadn't even noticed.  goofy

 Just eating lasagna.

 This was part of that newspaper article with the stunning pic of Jacob's head.  The two bottom pics are of kids eating with their dad or grandfather.  I just thought it was cute because in both pics, both the kid and the adult are looking the same way, with the same expression, same facial features.

 One day we had to drop my car off to get some work done.  So Jon had to pick me up after work.  It felt kinda funny, walking out from school, with my guy picking me up in his truck.  Felt young again :)

 Reading at Barnes & Noble

 They wanted to ride their bikes to a friend's house that was pretty far away.  So I followed them...

 We still have that rock sittin' around, in case we ever have that water skipping emergency...

 This is Michael and his sister Nikki.  Their mom had an early dr appointment so she dropped them off.  Where they fell back asleep.

Over spring break Jacob and I had to go to the dentist.  Jacob's two friends agreed to go with him to keep him company.  While I was getting mine cleaned, they asked if they could sit in the car and listen to music.  This is what I came out to....

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