Wednesday, September 3, 2014

When it hit me:  the following Sunday evening, and the next and the next.  This is because every Sunday night I print out Jon's schedule for the coming week for 2 reasons:  first, for our own uses; second, so I can text Abby and let her know which nights he is off so she can pick which ones to come over.  Sigh.

 Just a sampling of the load.  We fit it all into two car loads, but one car being a small SUV.  We did pretty good I think.

 Her name on the door!
Using her key for the first time!

 Jon needed to see if he had hooked up the DVD player correctly so he popped in a disc to see.  He chose My Girl  :)

 Abby's new laptop we got her for graduation.

 Her deco was an assortment of stuff from our house and her mom's.

 Her room is kinda crazy nice.  During the selection stage we put down our top three choices.  I was aware of the top two (because I gave my stamp of approval on the cost) but did not see what she and her **roommates put down.  But since I was in super control mode, I had tracked down someone (one of the crossing guards at Jacob's school)  with a daughter at UTC, and she gave me the low down on what to do to make sure I got into a good/reasonably priced dorm:  i.e. put your apps in early.  So we did.  Except that the above mentioned **roommates were not cooperative because apparently hyper active control freak does not run in their moms' bloodlines.  Long story short, we ended up with their 3rd pick AND neither of those 2 girls ended up even going to UTC.  Thanks.  It just so happened that this 3rd pick was $523 more a semester than my 1st pick, and $515 more than my 2nd (yes I did the math).  Whatever.  The set up is the same for all 3 choices:  her own room but part of a 4 bedroom apartment type situation.  It's just that this room is bigger.  And has a bigger closet.  And much more storage-a chest and under-the-bed drawers.  Oh, and a dishwasher.  So there's the extra $500.

 About to open the computer we got her for, ahem, graduation.  We waited till tax free weekend which came 2 months later   :)

Abby and 2 of her good friends got together and painted each other things for them to all take to their dorms since the 3 of them were going to different places.  Abby painted the eye below for herself, and her friend Lauren painted the guy (someone famous I can't remember) and Kristina painted the quote above.

Abby sent me a progress text during rush week.  She got cut from the one of the sororities she was interested it.  We think it was because it had to do with a girl who is in it who is dating one of Abby's ex boyfriends.  Anyway, the snapshot is the conversation between Abby and me where we are declaring the sorority a group of petty bitches.  I sent it to Jon and his response was, "I'm ready to drive back up there."  #protectivedaddy

Here is official announcement!
And below is her in her DZ bid day tank :)

I swiped this from the DZ insta page :)
Abby is right in the center with her hand on the Z

This is after their first meeting.
Abby is sort of in the middle, to the right a little.

 Meanwhile back in Oakland, our dogs were living the tough life...

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