Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Jacob's 10th Birthday

So I used to take pics of the cute decorations for Jacob's birthday parties. 
When you are preparing for a 10 year old sleepover-this is the decorating:  
Putting all of your breakable stuff into a tub and taking it ELSEWHERE.
*Not shown:  couches moved around, rooms gated off, etc..

What.  Just, what.  Sighs of sadness.

The original plan was to take them to play laser tag but that did not work out.  So we took them to Buffalo Wild Wings where we managed to take over the patio.  It was actually great.  There were tvs with football games playing, a dart board, and cornhole games.  Plus, we didn't have to stress about them making a mess.  We were outside.  
For my own memory, starting at the person closest to the camera and going clockwise:  Brayden, RJ, Jacob, Julian, Alex, Beau, Michael.
Here is an audible sample of the car ride coming home from BWW.  I think they had been talking about/making fart sounds, but stopped once I started recording:

Along with putting all breakables away, I also put all sugar away.  I left a table full of popcorn and chips on the table when Jon and I went to bed.

 This was the set up:  we brought down Jacob's tv from his room, the one from ours, and borrowed 2 XBoxes.  That way we had 3, yes THREE, gaming stations set up in the living room.

He only got 1 actual gift from friend, the rest gave him money.  Also, he is a Zachary clone because he does not like cake.  

This was the gift he got, a football that came with these glasses.  The football has reflector strips on it so that when you wear the glasses at night you can see the football.  Or, you can just turn out all the lights in the house and run around like a crazy person.

Aunt Debbie had challenged me to do the ALS Ice Bucket challenge the day before, so I decided to wait until the boys came over and let them dump the water.  They had a little too much fun.

I totally had my list in mind for who I was going to nominate, but once that water hit, unexpectedly, I completely forgot and just named all of them.


  1. Taking notes for my future:

    1. putting everything up

    2. no sugar snacks-that is genius!

    3. People just give $? I guess that makes sense.

    4. Do they always go eat somewhere as friends? I am intrigued by this part.

    Thank you for making my future easier

  2. I was just about to comment, "Melissa better be taking notes."


    Baby Jacob. Sigh.
