Sunday, August 11, 2013

What I Found in My Mom's Flip...

A couple videos I wanted to save on

Morgan singing the cup song:

Jacob and Morgan playing with Reese:

And these pics:

This was at the Wax Museum

We took this for Aunt Debbie.

And this was at the Ripley's Odditorium.  This room took your picture, then turned it into a shadow.

This is Jacob and Morgan posing as the weird camera/light thing moved over them.

And this is the finished product.  They are not standing behind the screen or anything-they have walked away and their shadow stays up there.  They could have stayed in this for a long time, but there were people behind us.


  1. Seeing them in a video makes me more sad we don't see you guys often. More sad than just seeing pictures. :( Lily and I ate edamame last night (and she ate applesauce with one of her awesome Sonic spoons), and we both talked about Morgan and were sad.

    Reese was totally talking to them. Morgan is precious/talented/hilarious.

    The shadow thing is cool.

  2. the shadow thing is too cool.

    I wish that we saw you all more often, too. At least load more videos!
