Friday, August 2, 2013

Morgan's 2nd Grade School Work

Thought I would also post some of my fave Morgie Porgie originals.

I posted this one mainly to serve as the perfect example of the differences between a girl and a boy.  Did you see anything nearly this neat and organized in the post of  Jacob's 2nd grade work?  No, you didn't.

Letter to Santa concerning the Elf on the Shelf in her classroom (yes, both Jacob's and Morgan's teachers from last year are to blame for that $30 stuffed elf.  And apparently it is an epidemic because this year's teachers joined in this activity designed to keep moms awake THAT much longer  nurture the magic of childhood. 

What can I say about this that you aren't already thinking? She IS too awesome for the town.
 I would like to point out, however, that the girl apparently had something running down her chin.  Interesting.  But not surprising.

An award.  Would you like to know why Jacob doesn't have any of these on his post? It ain't because he doesn't make good grades.  It is because his school "doesn't do awards to avoid making anyone feel bad."              I know. 

These next two pages were joined together.  

 Morgan should be ashamed of herself.  
Making those other kids feel so bad about themselves.  Geez.

 and again...
 and again.  Such an inconsiderate child.

Their class evidently wrote to the Mayor of Lakeland.  I like what she felt was important to discuss.  I bet there were some kids who wrote about how bad they felt because she got awards and they didn't. 

And the mayor wrote back.

Quite the interesting description of how to make a pumpkin pie.  Please make sure the flour is not showing.  I hate that (how many 7 year old kids even know the difference between "flower" and "flour"???)  Also, I like the extra little touch she added in there, just to make it her own: granola.  Sounds delish.

 Everyone in Morgan's world is awesome.

This is apparently from 1st grade, which made me look back and notice that there are a couple other things from 1st grade.  Oh well.  The important thing to note here is that Morgan was awesome in 1st grade, too.

The casualties are just adding up.

And last but not least, a self portrait, declaring that she? the world? the sun? is awesomeness.  
**For memory purposes, I would like to note that Morgan and I are currently involved in a heated debate over which one of us came up with the word, "awesomeness."  I did, of course, but she thinks she did.  As if all those awards weren't enough, she has to take credit for the awesomeness of inventing a word.  I feel a therapy session coming on.

1 comment:

  1. Somehow I missed Jacob's post and this one until now! Hilarious. She IS awesome. I love the drawings and the fun Morgan writing voice!

    The girl swept the awards it looks like!
