Saturday, June 15, 2013


I cleaned out my phone :)

Here's a cutie sleeping.

Here's a cutie trying to eat with chopsticks for the first time.

Bag packed full with stuff for the drive in (shout out to Mom and Aunt Debbie for teaching us how to roll).

Easter cupcakes I made for the crew that had to work Easter :)

Here's a cutie eating a giant chocolate bunny.

 Here's a cutie doing homework.

 Here's a cute who dug out his football pads and a jersey handed down from his 2nd cousins and put it all on one day because he is just flat out obsessed with football.

Here are some rocks put in my purse by a cutie.

Cutie feet in the car on a warm summer day.

Cutie cousin booties at a track meet.

Here are several pics of a cutie playing in trains.

A cutie and his dad eating yogurt. 

Here's a cutie in the car on the way to school to turn in his awesome ramp that he and his daddy built. It was for a school project.  Parents were allowed to help with the project, so I handed it over to Jon. He let Jacob use the saw to cut the pipes-gasp I know, but he supervised of course-and showed Jacob how to glue them together.  I am sure that no teacher has ever seen a ramp quite like this one.  It was awesome though.  I think Jacob felt a little weird about carrying it in that morning, but was extremely pumped up when he won every race and beat the whole 2nd grade.

Here are our 2013 Sonic Grads with their Gigi's cupcakes and gift cards :)  It's funny, there are always some who don't show up for it, which demonstrates the character of the ones who do show up.  And it works out because they are the ones who we really want to honor anyway. 

Jon's Mom doesn't throw anything away.  I mean, she isn't a hoarder in the sense that her house is filled with trash from last year's Thanksgiving dinner, don't get the wrong idea.  But she has a lot of STUFF.  We were over there one day, sitting outside talking, and Jon noticed a hole in one of her windows.  Jon's dad has a million golfballs because apparently he was constantly taking the grandkids out to play when they were little.  The grandkids still play with these balls in one form or another in the back yard.  Anyway, it appeared that one of these golfballs was left in the yard, and when the grass was cut, the ball got caught in the blade and hit up into the window.  So we needed something to cover it temporarily until we could get it fixed.  Jon's mom told him to look in the shed, there should be something in there.  Of course there was.  An old piece of paneling that Jon used as a child to draw a racetrack on for his Matchbox cars-at least 40 years old. 
Oh, and I think he's a cutie too ;)


  1. He is so cute. I love that we have you so many wonderful memories you are making memories with your kids doing the same thing ....

  2. I cannot get over that ramp! Genius.

    These posts are my favorite with all of the random pics thrown in. I am telling you... Jacob is so much like Noah. His expression in the chopsticks picture and his wittiness and goofiness.

    You are seriously the MOST awesome bosses ever.

    I will be looking forward to a fractured ankle blog. The FB posts are cracking me up.

  3. Also, frame the train ones.

    And where did you get the polka dotted bag?

  4. Love all the cuties.

    I want to work for you. Well, I did a long time ago, but I want to again.

    the ankle has got to be killing you.

    The ramp is totally an idea we are going to steal in the future.

    LOVE Jon's old car board!

  5. Love my cutie!!! really impressed with the cutie cousins booties xxxooo
