Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Grizzlies games & Nazi Ice Cream OR Someone Organize My Organization

Our bosses always get season tickets for Grizzlies' games (not sure if they buy them or are given them since Sonic is a sponser??).  They use them for themselves sometimes, but sometimes they offer them out to managers.  This season it seemed like they offered them out more often than in the past (not sure why??), and that really worked out for us since it just so happened to be an awesome season, and Jacob is old enough to want to go to a game.  Jon scored 4 tickets a couple times, so Abby & a date came to one with them, and Abby and another date (not really-it was really one of Jacob's friends who thinks she's "hot") came to another one. 

 How close the seats are.
 Jacob's friend Julian just happened to sit between Jacob and Abby...
 He might be a little happy about the seating arrangement...

Jon and Jacob got to go to the last playoff game of the season.  We only got 2 tickets this time, so it was a father/son bonding time :)

Why yes that is a $3 Michael's t-shirt that I ironed on a printed-out-from-my-computer-iron-on-image.  He had no idea. 

So, I may have a problem. It's true.  I like to organize.  And I have a bad memory.  Put these 2 things together and you have the need to write EVERYTHING down.  IN DIFFERENT LOCATIONS because writing them all down on one spot causes you to only see one reminder and gloss over the others.  
First we have this little baby:  it only has room for a week's worth of reminders.  I use it to write down places I have to be on each day.  Notice it is on the fridge, a place I visit often, so I will be more likely to see it.

Here we have what used to be the "school bulletin board."  That stopped working out because it is in an area where I never look during the period of time when thinking about school.  Rather, when I am near  this one, I am at the computer.  So this has become the bulletin board to hold business related things, like important receipts, coupons, gift cards, and fantasy football information. 

This one is now the school/summer bulletin board.  It is on the pantry door, near the kitchen table-which is where Jacob does homework.  During the school year, I keep the academic calendar and other important announcements here.  And of course his homework/extra practice star sheet.  During the summer, I have June and July calendars with Jacob's, Jon's, and my summer events in different colors.  Also, I have flyers for fun things to do.  And still the homework/extra practice star sheet because I am making the boy read for 30 minutes each day, AND do a worksheet printed off from websites to keep his brain active.  They really do lose it all during the summer.  Also, it serves as a condition for XBox playtime: he can't turn on the XBox unless he does the work first.  

Finally, this is the birthday/doctor appointment calendar.  As you can see, I tried putting every event on here, but like I said, I would see one thing, but not see the others.  So now I have trained my brain to look only for the blue spots, which are bdays and appointments.   This one is on the fridge, facing the stove, so that when I cook, I will see it. Then I can go and address a bday card or add an appointment time to the weekly calendar while something is burning cooking. 
Yes, I need help. 

Here we have our annual trip to Joe's Crab Shack.  Why only once a year you ask? Well, the food isn't all that outstanding and it isn't close to me at all.  But about 3 years ago I took Jacob, Morgan, Abby & friend here on the first day of summer break, and somehow we have repeated it 2 more times.  It's nice because the kids have something to do.  I actually have our own beach shovel/bucket set that I keep in the garage especially for this event.

Joe's actually offers vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup on top for $1.  Which used to be good enough.  Now they want Baskin Robbins.  The funny thing about Morgan is that being a girl, she is usually the clean and neat one.  Apparently that goes out the window while eating ice cream.  Jacob, on the other hand was completely clean.  

For some reason I thought she looked like Hitler.  But Hitler didn't have a goatee....so I'm not sure what I was thinking...


  1. Love the shirt - This year with the grizzlies reminds me of that one year we all got into the Memphis chicks - remember all the games we went to.
    After seeing this post I told Michael to start saving his money for braces

  2. I loved the Memphis Chicks.. That was the best summmer ever.
    Also the sand and playground reminds me of ya'll at Hungry Fisherman.

  3. Aunt Paula's comment is hilarious.

    You are such a fun mom/aunt. I love seeing Jacob and Morgan and imagining how they have no idea how lucky they are to have a built in cousin/friend/basically a sibling.

    organization is the best.

    The Joe's Crab Shack thing is so random and I love that there is a special Joe's bucket.

    Can't wait to see y'all!!
