Saturday, August 25, 2012


I still can't believe it. Wasn't he just born??? Madness. I am just so excited to be watching him playing a sport, I am beside myself. Plus it is a sport I like. Fabulousness. PLUS, all the games (except this jamboree game) are played on Tuesdays. TUESDAYS!!!!! Do you know what that means for our Sonic family!!! It is so hard for Jon to get off on Saturdays. But a Tuesday night! Shut up. Seriously. Jon and I do not know what to do with ourselves. I just can't tell you how many of Hallie and Abby's games have been missed because of schedule conflicts.  I know it won't always be like this, but we are going to enjoy it while we can.

Sitting around before practice one day. On their helmets. Teehee

A scrimmage game they played at practice one night. Jacob is in there somewhere...

The pep talk after that first scrimmage. Their coach is a relatively young guy, whose girlfriend's son is on the team. Before the season started, we all kept getting emails stating the league needed more coaches. Or else no league. Well, the night all the kids from all the teams went to get weighed in, the league was still one coach short. This guy signed up. Plus, he brings along 2 guys (one of them is in red to the left) with him to practices. And games. One of them has a kid on the team, the other does not-the one in red. The 3 of them played football together all through elementary school and high school. IT. IS. AWESOME. Because they are young, have played more recently than most of the other coaches, and because only 1 of them has a son on the team. The other 2 are totally objective, and mean! Every time they make a kid or kids run for not paying attention, the other parents and I want to stand up and cheer. Plus, we wouldn't even be playing AT ALL if it wasn't for these guys. Do we love them? Yes we do. Oh, and this speech started off like this, "I don't expect you guys to know what's going on out there all of the time right now. Just remember this: whatever you do, do it hard and fast."  Surely that will go down in the Hall of Fame for Coach Pep Talks...


This is right before the Jamboree game. The dads helped out. Jon is right in front of Jacob. And Jon is the 2nd dad from the right.
 Jon helping during the game. He may be a little excited also...

In this one, Jacob is over to the right, the one crouched down the lowest.
 In this one, Jacob has just gotten up from that position and is running toward the middle.
 Jacob is crouched in the middle, in front of the coach. You can sort of see the first 4 of his number.

Jacob is all the way on the other side of the line up. I will have to change positions next game.


  1. He is so official!! And, the Tuesday night situation is the best.

  2. First, I want to see him in real life at a game. This is too cute.

    Second. I want Lily on THIS team. I love the running for not listening. Awesome. Be mean. Hughes always tells me how much football shaped his discipline and how focused he is. It was a huge part of who he is.

  3. Oh... Do you miss track meets yet? Haha
