Monday, June 4, 2012

And One More Thing...

On the way to the campsite, I decided to make a master list of things to pack for future camping trips (note to self: add "don't mute phone, bring extra truck key, and listen to the first person who tells you the trail is confusing). When we got to the campsite, we drove around looking at the different sites to pick one out (this is how you pick a site, you find the one you want, put something there, then go to the main office to pay for it. Incidentally, that is how Jon almost got into a fight with someone on the previous trip, but I digress). Jon and I take this very seriously, perhaps too seriously, as there are a few things very important to each of us in a site.  For Jon, he wants to be surrounded by lots of pretty trees and close to the water, if there is water, like a lake.  For me, I want to be near the bathroom-just close enough so that I don't feel like I have to train to go pee, but not too close because it will have many people (possibly drunk ones) going in and out during the night; and also near the water so he and Jacob will be occupied so I can read in peace. (Stay with me, this is leading somewhere funny).  While we were looking at campsites (and discussing and looking and discussing and looking), Jacob got quite exasperated with us.  He grabbed the pad of paper I had been using to make the packing list, wrote/drew this, and showed it too me:

It says, "Come on, really?"  Well, without the punctuation. I had forgotten about it until now, a day after getting home, when I got the pad to type out the packing list. I tell him all the time he better be glad he is so cute...