Monday, May 9, 2016

 Jacob has gone to CES for 6 years- K thru 5th grade.  Below is his pic on the right, his good friend (since kindergarten) on the left.  Funny that they were wearing the same shirt.

 Doing some horrible looking exercise at basketball practice.

 Mav spent the night and when I pulled his stuff out of his bag he had the old black bear on the right.  It was Josh's when he was a kid.  I have one just like it, but a lighter color, from my childhood.

 End of elementary school means I have to turn in our car tag.  Sadness.  Jacob walks to school so I don't even use it, but still...

 Michael's girlfriend Jenna's daughter Grace hacked my phone camera one day at basketball practice (Jenna's son plays on the same team).

 One of our (ex) assistant managers graduated from U of M.  I went to the graduation with Jennifer Mischler and Jamal Mattison from work. They have both been working with us forever.

 Michael entered a weight lifting contest.  Crazy.

 Nerf bullets.  EVERYWHERE.

 I wear a watch to work because I need to keep up with the time to tell the classes when to leave.  Sometimes I forget it at home and it drives me crazy all day (there are clocks in the cafeteria but now I'm in the habit of looking at my wrist).  One day one of the clean up guys (do we still call them janitors??) brought me one he had bought and told me to keep it at work for the days I leave mine. He is a HUGE watch person, he has a different one on everyday it seems, so he gets it.  It was so sweet.  I have had to wear it a couple times.

 Studying for science vocab outside.

 Jon made this table for me!!  He loves going to estate sales and he found several pieces of this really cool looking wood at one several months ago.  He's had them sitting in the garage waiting for a project.  Last week I told him I would really love a long sofa type table to go along the banister upstairs so I could put a lamp on it for the hallway at night.  Also, I am always needing to set stuff down when I'm in the hall.  I don't know why.  Anyway, I went on Pinterest to find a cheap and simple idea for the legs and found this pipe idea.  Well, it was pretty simple...not so much cheap.  We will just say I could have gone to a furniture store and bought a brand new table.  But I still LOVE this one better.

 "walking" Jacob to school one morning.  Have I mentioned how much I love how close Hallie lives?? Mav can spend the night on a school night, and she can come get him the next morning before I have to leave for work.  Glorious.

 He went to basketball practice with us one night, which he LOVED.  He kept looking out onto the court and screaming "Aba!" Which is Mav language for Uncle Bob.  Then he would look at me and say, "there he is!"  As if I were wondering... 
This watch came from the kids meal I picked up for him on the way.  He is completely obsessed with my watch so this was perfect.


  1. OH MUFFIN - how do I miss looking everywhere for you - let me count the ways (:
