Monday, February 8, 2016

Catch Up

It's possible some of these have been posted before, but I'm trying to catch up and I'm too lazy to go back and look.

 I mean, how can you stand it.

 So. Much. Matching.  And not even on purpose.  Funny thing is these two, Alex and Jacob, have a love/hate relationship.  His mom and I refer to them as either the old married couple or the same kid.

 Again, how can you stand it.

 Jacob was doing a thing where you write something backwards, then fill up a glass with water and read the message through it.

 Since I see Jacob everyday in the cafeteria I get extra nagging time.\

 Jacob and I were reading The 5th Wave and the main character's name is Cassiopeia, Cassey for short.  He had to do some sort of thing in class on a character in a book he has read and he picked her.  Makes my heart happy.

A donkey.
These next few are random, I know, but I just had to document the vet we use.  It is a 30 minute drive, out in the middle of nowhere Mississippi, and the name is Cat & Cow.  Because they literally take care of all animals, from cats to cows.  AND they have said animals roaming around.  We go there because it is CHEAP and, as if there needs to be another reason, because they are so NOT judgmental.  It just seems like a lot of vets these days really look down upon you when you tell them that no you do not want to pay $200 to get your dog's teeth cleaned.  Or yes, I did forget to give my dog the stupid flea treatment last month so yes, now we have fleas. Perhaps this is because, being out in the middle of nowhere Mississippi they see many strange things that take a higher place on the priority list than dogs with cavities.  Like a dog whose owner brought him in on a Wednesday with a huge chunk of skin about 7 or 8 inches wide missing, and had been missing since the Friday before, but she put band aids on it, why didn't they work??? (I can't make this up).  So yea.  My dog's decaying teeth just don't matter.
 A bull.

 Chickens.  Be careful when you park...

 And the only reason you don't drive past this place, because it is far back from the road in the middle of nowhere Mississippi, is because of their cow statue. That's right.  It's a cow statue.  Abby had to pick Gonzo up when he stabbed himself with a stick (he fit right in there) and when I told her to look for the cow statue, she paused for a second....

 And here we go.  So one day when the weather was pretty, Gonzo was out in the back being his normal spaz self.  Which means he was running up and down the fence barking at the HUGE dog that could flatten him with one paw that lives in the yard behind us.  We had the back door open and were just about to oh-so-lovingly tell him to SHUT UP when we heard him yelp.  What happened, we wondered.  Well, spaz, I mean Gonzo, stepped on the opposite end of a sharp stick while spazzing out, I mean protecting his territory, and the sharp end poked up and stabbed him.  Yup.  Again, I can't make this stuff up.
 The scene of the crime, complete with fur still attached.

 The staples.

 When we got home with the cone around his neck he literally just sat there slumped over and didn't move for 10 minutes.  Since I am not a completely horrible person (I still refuse to pay to have his teeth cleaned) I decided to take off the cone and see if a dog sweater would work to keep him from licking it.  It did.  So he didn't starve to death.

 Jessica got a new camera and took these of them.


  1. I love the pictures.. Great job Jessica.. The kids are growing up so fast. I miss seeing yall... I would also like a print of that last one please for my fridge. :)

  2. Oh my gosh. Gonzo. I mean, it's not funny- but it is totally funny and I am cracking up.

    Also, the post it note that Jacob wrote--- so much sweetness!!!!!
