Saturday, September 19, 2015

 The first day of school.  Jacob and long time friend Julian.

 Why yes I did order customized earrings from etsy with my boy's number on them.

 Jon found this at Goodwill. Mav loved it.

 At a birthday partyy

 A pic from the fair that got left out.  MADD had a booth set up where you put on special glasses that gave you the illusion of trying to walk while drunk.  Of course the boy wanted to try.

 Watching ESPN in the mornings before school.

 Setting up Fantasy Football teams

 Mav's first day of pre pre pre pre K. Or something like that.

 Jessica and I took Morgan, her cousin Gracie (I know, cousins from the OTHER side of the family actually matter too.  Who knew...), Jacob and his friend Beau to a movie and then to Ben & Jerry's to get ice cream the week before school started.

 Hanging out with friends Beau and Teagan at a splash pad.  Apparently they were the only ones there that day.

 Just playing a little football with the Roo.

 I went looking for a pic in Jacob's phone to send myself and found this meme.  What. 

 Who is that stud???  haha  We were helping Hallie move into their new house and came across this.  Hilarious.

 Roo. Playing in my backyard on slide/climbing thing we got him (resale page find).  And him climbing up the wrong way like a typical boy.

 At another bday party.

 Maggie passed out. From her rough life.

 Mouthpieces.  Everywhere.

 Hallie's new house.

Abby decided to rush at U of Memphis and joined Pi Beta Phi.  She is really excited.  Two of her good friends from High School are in it.  And in a weird twist, on bid day when I went to take pics, I ran into a mom I know who is one of their advisers.  Meant to be.

 Eating pizza with Roo.

 Practicing hiking the ball.  On the tramploline obviously.


 Mav brushing his hair with the bottle brush I gave him to play with so he would leave me alone while I did the dishes.

 He loves the dogs' beds.

 Playing with one of Jacob's old stuffed animals that Jacob gave him one night when he was a baby.

 He has adopted a lovey, a really super soft lamb.  Thankfully it isn't so small that it is easy to lose.

 Just a lot of snuggles

 Cutest knees ever

 One day Hallie called Jon to come over for help with something and no one called me.  I was quite annoyed.  So I got this pic as an apology :)

 Jon put these in my car on one of my first days of my new job.

 I do not know how he ends up sideways, hanging off.

 They all had on the same brand socks (those are $14 per pair...stupid fads).

So one of Jacob's friend's grandparents (Julian's) live around the corner from us and they have a pool.  They always tell me to just call them whenever we want to come swimming.  So one day the week before school started I did.  And brought 4 boys (Julian being one of them).   That'll teach 'em to offer me something for free.

 I walked into the kitchen and came back to him on top of the table.

 Tiny things!!!

 I bought a (non-breakable) treat jar and got Nicole to make the letters for it.  She kept telling us all to tell her when we wanted her to make something.  Again, that'll teach 'em.

 I bought one of those tubes for Mav and for the longest time it totally stressed him out.  He would literally walk over to it, look at it, and then loudly fuss at it.  After several times of his coming over, he has finally decided he likes it.

 One of Jake's friends from the football team invited him to go to the first U of M game.  They came to pick him up at noon for a game that started at 6 so they could be part of the first 3500 in the door to get a special ring.  We all thought they were crazy first of all, but second, we thought the ring was going to be some piece of crap.  It is a legit, heavy, class ring looking thing with fake crystals.  Jacob is so proud of it.

 He had to have a case for it.

 He and his friend Teagan.

And I think he just took this one himself.

Just goofy Gonzo.  Sitting on top of the laundry.  Not on a couch or one of the 5 dog beds lying around.


  1. The meme.

    The roo.

    The boy.

    The gonzo.

  2. Every singe time I read your posts, I want a dog.

    TINY THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that he won't let go of the tiny things, even to hold the bottle.

    The Treats can looks so cute. Sorry it took me so long to make it. Really, it took less than a minute once I actually sat down to do it.

    The Memphis ring is so legit! Stick with that friend. I like a friend who is aware of free things and is willing to leave early to get said free thing.

    I feel a little bit cheated on with the cousin from the other side. I'm just saying.
