Sunday, May 3, 2015

 Morgan. This shirt.  Enough said.

 Jake picked this onesie out :)
"If you think I'm a hunk, you should see my uncle."

 Here lately we have been really busy and need a cook from the kitchen to help answer the speaker.  However, the cooks are not good at answering the speaker and making drinks or answering and setting trays.  In other words: men can't multitask.  No surprise there.  The speaker on the far left is furthest away from those other two stations, yet the cook who comes to help always ends up grabbing one of the others, even though Cory and I continuously tell them not to, thus getting in our way of being able to do what women do: multitask.  So I spelled it out for them :)
They love me.

 Our morning crew.  Love them all.
L to R:  Jocelyn, Julian, Jacob, Ashley and Ava

 Me:  Jacob, why do you have a circle drawn on your arm?
Jacob:  because you see those two little scratches? I thought they looked like eyes.  So I drew a face.

 Long time friends, Julian and Jacob.  Who are mysteriously looking more and more like each other...

 Abby's home!!

 Goodbye couch tower.  You were loved.  

 I truly don't exactly know how this happens, but I do love it.  As one of the kids told his mom when asking if she would drive him over (unannounced), "His mom won't care.  People just show up over there and she makes snow cones."

Also, I wanted to document their nicknames. From the front left we have Beau-the good one; Julian-the butt kisser; Jacob-the smart ass; Tristan-the bullshitter; and Alex-the bad one.

 Easter bunny.  A little late.

 Hunting for Easter eggs.  Jacob hid them this year.  For a split second it made me sad, but then I realized it would be one less thing for me to do.  Then I was all good with it.

 Boy crafting:  "Mom, can you watch this youtube tutorial with me on how to make a paper rubberband gun and help me make it?"

 All these stupid bracelet loom rubber bands came in handy...
 And the sonic cups got used for targets.

 Random and dangerous obstacle course. 

 I don't know who he is with.  Just like the pic of Keith.

 Those are Jacob's.  I'm sure his tennis shoes won't fit, but these slides do.  What.

 Jon made them all stop what they were doing and watch the recent rocket launch.  They faked enthusiasm for him, then quickly resumed launching fake rockets and ships on their video games.

 Love it when they take selfies.  Cuties.

 When you have a boy, you do not always get the homework to come, well, home.  So you rely on mama friends to take pics and send them to you.  Luckily, you don't have to feel bad when you ask because you know they will also have to ask you.  #ittakesavillage

 Michael and I took the kids to Shelby Farms to ride bikes and they decided to do paddle boats.  I HATE paddle boats so I did not go, I sat on the grass being bored, not even able to play on my phone because the sun was so bright.  40 minutes later, as Michael was walking up the dock (and stating that he would never do that again), we hear someone yell "Michael!"  It was Hallie and Josh and Roo.  They had been sitting about 20 feet away from me the whole time and we never saw each other.

 Gonzo, enjoying the sun, legs spread open so his belly can get warm. 

Jacob kept telling me I needed to brush my teeth one night.  So finally I went into my bathroom to do it.  Boys.

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