Thursday, February 27, 2014


Baby Bauer is 22 weeks old!! He and Mama Hallie are doing great!

So Hallie had been tossing a boy name around in her head for a while and finally told Josh one day.  She had already pretty much decided on it.  What she wasn't prepared for was the reaction from him and everyone else.  Well, she couldn't have been, because she is not a child of the 80s.  You see, she fell in love with the name Maverick.  Which is Tom Cruise's nickname in Top Gun.  Where he plays a pilot.  Josh is a pilot.  So yes, everyone thought she was trying to be cheesy, but she just honestly loved the name.  I was shocked  that she had never seen the movie, and ashamed that I had never made her watch it (because I did my share of forcing her and Abby to watch the "classics" ).  So one night she spent the night with us and we got it on Netflix.  Finally, the mysterious namesake was revealed.  But it did not deter her in anyway.  

 Presenting:  Maverick Jackson Bauer!!

Jacob came downstairs one morning with something wrong with his attire....  (giggle giggle)

Jacob on the right

Jacob guarding right in the middle (oh the boy can guard)

Playing with friends before the game started (my fave part)

Jacob's bed(s) are actually a bunk bed that can be taken apart and made into two twin beds.  This bunk bed has been around since Jon first divorced and bought furniture for Hallie and Abby.  So it definitely hold sentimental value.  We've been married 14 years, dated 2 (?), so it is at least that old. Well, leave it to the boy to break it.  
 It happened one night, late, so Jon's quick fix was, well, books.

 But upon further inspection the next day, we realized it was broken way worse than we thought, and Jon would basically have to rebuild it to make it safe.  So, off to the garbage it went.  Jon was actually sad about it.  RIP ol' bunk bed half.

There is a lady here in Collierville who takes old books and cuts letters out of them.  Kinda weird, kinda cool.  Mom got me one, in the shape of an S of course, and made sure to ask the lady for a 1973 book (the year I was born) and gave it to me for my birthday.  I love it.  

Hallie and Zo.

Jacob with his new headphones he got for Valentine's day:  an awesome Amazon deal-normally $200, on sale for $35. Who the heck pays $200 for headphones??!!
 He loves them.  I have to say, they really are very good headphones.

Hallie and Jaybob making ice cream.

I can't even remember why all these blankets and pillows were downstairs on the couch, but they were and when I walked into the living room, Maggie had buried herself in them.

She just does this sometimes.  She is the quirkiest dog.

First of all, every day in my phone calendar has at LEAST 3 reminders.  And seriously, if there are only 3, it is a slow day.  But the reason I wanted to save this one is because somehow I have become a sort of mama to some of the employees at work.  I am really loving it actually.  I think it is tapping into the part of teaching that I liked the most.  The middle reminder says, "remind Mischler to bring her outline."  Mischler is an employee, whose first name is Jennifer but we have more than one Jennifer working for us so we call them both by their last names.  Anyway, Mischler has started going back to school and is totally stressed out about the English class so I told her I would help.  She told me one day, "oh, I have my first paper due next week.  Do you still feel like looking at it for me?" Sure, I say.  Then she says, "Ok, remind me to bring it Monday."  What? ME remind YOU to bring something YOU want MY help with?? I made fun of her, scolded her, and then put the reminder in my phone.  Just as I would do for my own child.

I was filling out paperwork for Jacob's school and put down Hallie's name, as I always do, for an emergency contact, but accidentally wrote her old last name  :(

Abby at Cheer Leading Nationals.  What? you ask.  I thought she wasn't cheering, you say.  Well, she wasn't. But the cheer team decided they needed one more person to make their routine better, got together and voted on past members, and picked Abby.  Then they put together a dance that raised money to pay for Abby's uniform and way to Nationals. Okaaaaay.  Not a bad way to spend Senior Year I'd say...

That is Abby's reddish pony tail on the right.


Hallie wrote into a bride magazine and her engagement was featured in it.  This happened back when they got engaged, I think I just forgot to post about it in here.

 Praying before the basketball game.  See how serious all the kids are??

Here the ref is going over rules.  Rules that the kids are about to ignore, and he is about to not enforce.  This league was perfect for what I wanted-cheap and low competitiveness to give Jacob the chance to see if he really likes basketball (he does)- but good grief it is difficult to watch from the stands. I would actually be worried about whether it was doing permanent damage to his understanding of how the game is supposed to be played, except we only PLAYED 6 GAMES AND ONLY PRACTICED 3 TIMES.  Low key? Well, I got it.

The class picture.  Thank goodness for a scanner.  Because I hated to not preserve the memory, but I really did not want to pay $10 for this mess. 

 Watching the super bowl, wearing a Bronco's jersey and a Raven's hat.

 At halftime I sent him to take a shower.  Not only did he come down in pajama pants representing last year's winner, but he completely lost interest in watching the game.  #littleboytoes

 Jacob's Valentine Card bag for school.  Yep. Lots of boy effort there.

 Our nephew Ben, the one on the far left, got married.  This is the family from Jon's side who made it to the wedding (in Atlanta). 

Hallie and her cousin Jennifer have always been close. 

Last fall we found out that one of Abby's friends had cancer.  They have been friends for a while, have gone to a couple dances together.  She has been a great friend to him-gone with him to his chemo appointments and other things.  This was the dance that the cheer team set up to raise money for her to go to Nationals, and she asked him to go with her.  Awesome girl, that Abby.

These are pics from "show nights" where some local teams go to each others schools and practice their routines for friends and family.

I somehow was elected to figure out everything "college" for Abby.  It. Was. Daunting.  But then one night I got this text.  So, of course that made everything worth it.

Another one of the door hangers that Jacob's art teacher made that I gave Hallie for Christmas.


  1. There is so much, and my brain constantly had one comment I wanted replace with another. I will try.

    1. This stood out the most: "Then she says, "Ok, remind me to bring it Monday." What? ME remind YOU to bring something YOU want MY help with?? I made fun of her, scolded her, and then put the reminder in my phone. Just as I would do for my own child." HILARIOUS. And totally not unexpected. OF COURSE you are doing this for your employees. I love you and John and how you are literally the best bosses, ever.

    2. I loved reading all of the Hallie and Abby updates!!! Jacob is so lucky to have to such awesome big sisters!!! Prec.ios.

    3. Maverick. Love. Obsessed.

    4. The shamrock. This woman is insanely talented.

    5. Of course you were in charge of Abby's college. Duh.

    6. Little boy toes. Last year's team's pajama pants. I need a boy.

    7. NATIONALS?!?!? She got voted in and got to go, and they did a dance to help pay?!?!!? What one earth. That is winning the lottery. Or maybe more like earning the lottery, since she is awesome and they voted her to do it.

    8. Jacob with his pants on backward. #ittakesavillage

    9. The S book???? I am totally trying to figure that out.

    10. Love the new headphones- audible?

    11. RIP Sweet Bunkbeds. Sigh.

  2. Um, is this a new background?

    I love ALL of your comments on Nicole's blog. I was cracking up reading them last night.

    Jacob's toes. Sigh.

    HOW HAS SHE NEVER SEEN TOP GUN? What on Earth. Thank God you took care of that.

    I really do want to work for you & Jon again.

    I love those things you bought Hallie.

  3. Can't believe she is going to college. I like the name Maverick. Jacob is growing way to fast and so handsome.
