Saturday, December 1, 2012


We recently celebrated Hallie's 24th birthday and Morgan's 8th birthday.

We got Hallie a bike.  She has been wanting one.  It was really weird-it felt like we were celebrating a child's birthday :)  

So this is Lauren with Morgan.  She was in Jacob's pre-k class a few years ago at a different school.  She and Morgan have been best friends since Kindergarten.  When we walked up to them at the party, Lauren literally blushed when she saw Jacob.  It was so funny. Below is a pic of Lauren hugging Jacob in pre-k, circa 2009.  He and the girl on the right were friends, and I was taking a pic of them, when out of nowhere, Lauren swoops in and grabs Jacob, seconds before I snap the pic.  Funny. 

Morgan doing the limbo.

Morgan skating, toward the center/back of the pic.

There might have been some moves being thrown down here...


Friends from Morgan's class. 

Jacob and Aunt Jessie (what is it with 7/8 year olds and rabbit ears?!)

Michael's roommate/best friend for many years.  Morgan actually calls him Uncle Steve.

About to race.
She came in 2nd place because she cut off the girl originally in that spot. Slick ;)
*Also, please be impressed by the intelligent sounding teenager behind the microphone.

Jacob loves having his picture taken.

Giggle hug!


  1. Fun times at the birthday party. I love the last picture.

  2. Email me the video! I want to see it.

    LOVE the pic of you and MIchael. Also, I want a roller skating party.
