Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It Was The Best of Times, It Was The Age of Wisdom, It Was The Age of Foolishness...

Sorry Charles Dickens, I had to rearrange the quote a little because there were no "worst of times" this year. Unless you count the fact that my baby is going to be in FIRST GRADE IN A FEW MONTHS!!! Sigh. Seriously, we, and by we I mean Jacob and Jon and I, have been so blessed to have such great teachers be a part of my son's education so far. He had great Mother's Day Out teachers (they were both FB friends and didn't mind me texting them throughout the day), fantastic PreK teachers (again with the FB and texting, but we also had and still enjoy GNO's together), and this year his Kindergarten teacher was great (even though she isn't on FB and never gave us her personal number). You know you have a great teacher when your very-resistant-to-change child is fine the first week of school. Jacob often astounded me this year with random information that he had learned (astounded me bc he was actually listening, but also because it was stuff I was surprised kindergarteners were learning) like random facts about presidents, Belgium, and the universe. So here are the pics from our end of the year party.

 My friend Angel made us a cake that looked like a box of crayons. Totally adorable. Unfortunately, I didn't get a close up and you can't see it well in this pic. Mrs. Fanning is holding it.

Buddies Jacob and Semmes. They are toasting. In the video the teacher made for us, each child is asked what his/her fave thing about kindergarten has been. Jacob said his buddy Semmes.   

 This is the police officer assigned to the school. Clearly the kids love him.

 Eating cake and drinking Sonic Slushes!!! That's right, no juice boxes for this class!!

 Mrs. Fanning opening her gifts. I don't know if all schools do this, but apparently each teacher at our school fills out a sheet which provides info for the room mom such as fave restaurant, places to shop, etc. So most of us contributed to a gift basket which had all kinds of good business in it.

Mrs. Fanning-She is actually wearing shoes with a heel in this pic. She is so short. It must be great for her as a Kindergarten teacher though because I know whenever I am in the room, I feel like Gulliver in Lilliput....
Obviously I dressed Jacob up for this party....


  1. I love that he learned about Belgium...and that his class got slushes!!!!!!

  2. I am so loving the slushes and his expression in the pic at the table. I can't believe he is in first grade!

  3. I love that he has a BFF (grammy is hip)but I hate he is going into 1st grade & that his permanent teeth are coming in. I hope he & I can stay close as he grows older, I miss my baby and have tears in my eyes as I am writing this.
