Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fall Break Pt 1

First, it is important to note that ALL members of the household enjoyed fall break....

 So my hairdresser home schools her son and is in the know as far as all cool things educational are concerned.  She happened to mention that the Nina and Pinta were coming to town.  What???  Apparently someone has built life-size replicas of the Nina and the Pinta and they just sail around the the country the whole year and offer tours.  Yes.  Completely awesome.

 Jacob said, "Look! A pick axe!!"  A little something he learned from a video game called Minecraft.  

 Once we finished checking out the ships, the kids, Michael and I took off and explored some other stuff nearby.  Mom took her time getting back to the car.  That is her in the pink...

 Random Lego-looking tower that lead to a little cafe.

 Morgan doing a flip...

 And dismounting...

 There were two bars and Jacob flung himself from one to the other....

 (We liked this pic because of how his body is outlined with the curb)

 ....Morgan chose a safer way to get to the opposite bar (even though she had just done a flip 10 feet in the air).

It was a beautiful day.  That is Michael, Morgan, and Jacob running down the grassy hill.

1 comment:

  1. I am so jealous of the ships!

    Also, love their acrobatics.
