Saturday, February 9, 2013


I got a message from Blogger telling me that my blog was going to be deleted if I didn't post something soon due to inactivity.  I don't really understand this, it's only been a little over a month.  I don't know if I made up another blog previous to this one and don't remember it??? But just in case they are talking about this one, here is a random, unnecessary, uneventful post.

Mom has a small collection of dolls.  One of them is a baby.  Morgan and Jacob have decided that it is fun to make it throw up.  And to do this they poor water, coke, etc into the hole in the mouth and let it pour back out. Jacob is quick to point out that it was his idea. I'm so proud.

Well, that's about it.  Thanks.


  1. HA HA!!!

    This was totally worth it and made my day!

  2. BLOG BLOB BLOG I am tired of looking at Daddy's face every time I log on. Take a picture of your scanner box- that is funny and alarming that all those pictures are going to be thrown out.
